I am deeply grateful to all those who helped me produce The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours, and I offer special thanks to the following: Erika Bainbridge, Natasha Bershadsky, Patrick Coleman, Maša Ćulumović, Jeffrey Emanuel, Claudia Filos, Alexander Forte, Douglas Frame, Richard Im, Rob Jenson, Kevin McGrath, Leonard Muellner, Anita Nikkanen, Jill Robbins, Sharmila Sen, William P. Sisler, Noel Spencer, Thomas Temple Wright, Christine Thorsteinsson, Valerie Woelfel. This book, stemming from a course that I have taught almost every year since the late 1970s at Harvard University (in two versions: one for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the other, with Kevin McGrath, for the Division of Continuing Education), is dedicated to all the students and teaching assistants who have helped me shape the course over all these years.