It is a pleasure to acknowledge the many people who have contributed in large and small ways to the development of this book. They are: Susanna Braund, Don Cameron, Jenny Strauss Clay, Erwin Cook, John Miles Foley, Andrew Ford, Michael Gagarin, Traianos Gagos, John Garcia, Simon Goldhill, Richard Janko, Ludwig Koenen, Andre Lardinois, Richard Martin, Gregory Nagy, Jim Porter, Sara Rappe, Ruth Scodel, and Eva Stehle. Some were kind enough to read portions of the manuscript in whole or in part; others may not even remember the helpful suggestions they offered over dinner or drinks. Special thanks are owed to William H. Race, who read the entire manuscript near its final stages and made many improvements. To anyone whom I may have forgotten, I apologize.
I would like to thank the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan for awarding me a faculty fellowship in 2001-2, during which a substantial portion of this book was drafted. I thank the Director, Staff, the other faculty fellows, and my sponsor for the year, Director John Rich, for their encouragement, support, and good humor.
At the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C., which selected me for a Junior Fellowship in 2003-4, I completed the book’s final phases. I owe special thanks to the Director, Staff, and other fellows for the marvelous resources they put at my disposal.
Finally, I dedicate this book to my wife, Kate, and to my sons Adam and Bryan, who have taught me more about competition than I ever imagined possible.