Visiting scholar at CHS | Gregory McBrayer, Assistant Professor of Government at Morehead State University

March 16-20, 2015
This week, Gregory McBrayer, Assistant Professor of Government at Morehead State University will be staying at CHS and using the library. Prof. McBrayer studies Classical Greek Political Thought and its reception in the Islamic and Arabic world.  He has published a translation, with Mary Nichols, of Plato’s Euthydemus, and he is currently working on an edited volume of Xenophon’s minor works.  During his stay at CHS, he will develop his contributions to Cyrus’ Paradise, an online collaborative commentary hosted by the CHS. His focus will be Book III of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia.
Gregory McBrayer is visiting the CHS under a grant, awarded to scholars around the world who could benefit from access to the Center’s library resources and from consulting and working with fellows on a short-term basis. The CHS is currently accepting applications for visits through May 20, 2015. To learn more, visit the CHS website.