SCS Conference 2016 | Dialogues with Glynnis Fawkes, Richard Martin, and Suzanne Lye

The CHS team and staff was very happy to be at the SCS conference once again this year, where friends from the wider CHS community had a chance to meet, discuss and exchange updates on their careers and recent research progress. We are sharing the three following videos below featuring Glynnis Fawkes, Richard Martin, and Suzanne Lye. All of the featured people have exciting stories to share, each from their own perspective.


Resources mentioned in the videos:

Gregory Nagy, An experiment in combining visual art with translations of Sappho, 10.09.2015

Gregory Nagy, An experiment in combining visual art with translations of Sappho, Part 2, 11.09.2015

Richard Martin, The language of heroes : speech and performance in the Iliad