Now Online from Gregory Nagy

Short Writings Volume 4Two of Professor Nagy’s most recent articles have become available under the online publication Short Writings Volume IV, the fourth volume in a series of online anthologies, all available online for free at the CHS website.
Herodotus and the Logioi of the Persians
This essay discusses the term logioi, as this is encountered in all the Herodotean contexts. Nagy argues that logioi is a term referring to both Persian and Greek ‘masters of prose’, just like Herodotus himself, and demonstrates through his research how this connection is established.
Things said and not said in a ritual text: Iguvine Tables Ib 10-16 / VIb 48-53
Nagy concentrates on the study of the text as prescribed at the Iguvine Tables. Starting his argumentation from the analysis of the two words agō and ferō, Nagy attempts to show there is a deeper understanding of the rituals described in the text.