Kosmos Society Book Club | Xenophon Memorabilia

[Socrates] said that he often heard it stated that of all possessions the most precious is a good and sincere friend. “And yet,” he said, “there is no transaction most men are so careless about as the acquisition of friends. For I find that they are careful about getting houses and lands and slaves and cattle and furniture, and anxious to keep what they have; but though they tell one that a friend is the greatest blessing, I find that most men take no thought how to get new friends or how to keep their old ones.
Xenophon Memorabilia 2.4.1–2, E.C. Marchant

Our Book Club selection this month is from Xenophon Memorabilia, which is a collection of recollections of Socrates, incorporating conversations and examples of how he helped his friends and others.
We will all read Books 2 and 3, and optionally you can read all or parts of Book 1 and/or 4. Discussion will start and continue in the Kosmos Forum, and we will meet by Google Hangout on Tuesday March 26 at 11 a.m. EDT (and additionally at 5 a.m. if requested).
As usual, you can read any translation. Here are links to some that are available online for free:
Translated by E.C. Marchant

Translated by H.G. Dakyns:

Translated by J.S. Watson:

Happy readings!