June 19-20, 2020
The Delphic Preview: Festival of the Muses celebrates contemporary re-imaginings of Greek culture as they pertain to the ancient and eternal tradition of the Festival of the Delphic Games. The online event invites the global community to engage with ancient Greek art, music, dance, poetry, song, myth, sport and theater in modern iterations through live-streamed performances and discussions, and through the Garden of the Muses, a collection of videos, audio recordings, and articles.
Supplementary Readings and Information
Schedule of Events
The Festival is presented by Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies in collaboration with the Isadora Duncan International Institute, the Ecumenical Delphic Union, and the Committee for the Reinstatement of the Delphic Games. Sponsors include MOISA: The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage. The Festival is part of a larger, ongoing initiative to further modern reinstatements of the Festival of the Delphic Games, to be held next in Delphi, June 2021.
Special thanks to the following persons for their role in organizing the Festival: Natasha Bershadsky, Jeanne Bresciani, Iris Brosch, Rosemary Cooper, Nancy Felson, Bettina Joy de Guzman, Lia Hanhardt, Artemis Herber, Lanah Koelle, Zoie Lafis, Allie Marbry, Richard Martin, Laura Slatkin, and Noel Spencer.