Classics in Undergraduate Liberal Eduation – Study

Classics in Undergraduate Liberal Education

A study conducted by the Center for Hellenic Studies, in conjunction with the Teagle Foundation’s The Disciplines and Undergraduate Education Initiative

The Center for Hellenic Studies has recently completed a fifteen-month study on classics and undergraduate liberal education. This project is one of six examining the relationship between major courses of study and the aims of liberal education as part of a Teagle Foundation initiative to encourage fresh thinking in undergraduate education. Other organizations sponsoring similar initiatives are the American Academy of Religion, the American Economic Association, the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Modern Language Association, and the National History Center.

The aims of the CHS’s study were to encourage reflection, discussion, and innovation related to the goals of classics in undergraduate education, strengthen classics and liberal education by developing more systematic relationships between the two, invigorate teaching and student learning, and provide models that may be of use in future studies of liberal education. The project seeks to better understand how faculty members in classics design and offer programs of study and how they relate the objectives of their programs to the broader aims of liberal education.

Through case-studies at a small number of institutions, interviews with faculty and students at a larger number of institutions, and wide-ranging data collection from classics programs across the country, the CHS constructed an online repository of information and nexus of communication in order to encourage collaborative fresh thinking in the discipline.

Liberal Education has recently published the study. Please see their website if you wish to read the entire article.

The Teagle Foundation

The Teagle Foundation, founded in 1944, seeks to provide “leadership for liberal education, marshalling the intellectual and financial resources necessary to ensure that today’s students have access to challenging, wide-ranging, and enriching college educations.” More information is available at