CHS Open House: Rhapsodes, Kitharôidia, and Performance in Ancient Greece, with Timothy Power

We are pleased to welcome Timothy Power (Rutgers University) for a CHS Open House discussion on ‘Rhapsodes, Kitharôidia, and Performance in Ancient Greece’. This event will be streamed live on Thursday February 25, at 11:00 a.m. EST, and will be recorded.
To prepare for the event, you might like to read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Timothy Power’s book The Culture of Kitharôidia, available for free at CHS.
Members of Hour 25 can start and continue discussion in this forum thread.
You can watch the event on the Google+ page here, or below.

Timothy Power

Tim PowerTimothy Power is Assistant Professor in the Department of Classics at Rutgers University. His research interests include Greek lyric poetry and performance, Athenian drama, music and meter. He had a Fellowship at the Center for Hellenic Studies 2006–7. Publications include The Culture of Kitharôidia; “Cyberchorus: Pindar’s Keledones and the aura of the artificial,” in Archaic and Classical Choral Song, L. Athanassaki and E. Bowie, eds.; “Kyklôps Kitharôidos: Dithyramb and Kitharôidia in Play,” in Song Culture and Social Change: The Contexts of Dithyramb, B. Kowalzig and P. Wilson, eds.; “Ion of Chios and the Politics of Polychordia,” in The World of Ion of Chios, V. Jennings and A. Katsaros, eds.; “Cleisthenes and the Politics of Kitharôidia at Delphi and in Sicyon,”Aevum Antiquum, 4 (2004), 415-437; “The Parthenoi of Bacchylides 13,” HSCP 100 (2001) 67-81.
Image credit: Marie-Lan Nguyen (photo), Creative Commons (CC BY 2.5): Attributed to the Black Fury Painter: Apollo Holding a Kithara c400–300 BCE, Metropolitan Museum of Art