CHS Online Open House | Richard P. Martin on Heroine Cult and Tragedy

On Thursday, April 5, at 11 a.m. EDT, Richard Martin (Stanford University), will join the CHS community for an Online Open House discussion on heroine cult and tragedy, with special reference to Euripides’ Medea.

The event will be live-streamed on the CHS Kosmos website and the CHS YouTube channel, as well as on the CHS homepage.

The play is available via the Kosmos Society Text Library.

Richard P. Martin

Before becoming Antony and Isabelle Raubitschek Professor at Stanford in 2000, Professor Martin taught Classics for eighteen years at Princeton University. He is currently working on several books dealing with aspects of Homeric religion, myth, and ancient poetry in performance, and is concerned with the interpretation of Greek poetry through the lens of performance traditions and social practices. His primary interests are in Homeric epic, Greek comedy, mythology, and ancient religion. His research is informed by comparative evidence ranging from fieldwork on oral traditions in contemporary Crete to studies in medieval Irish literature.

Among his major publications are Healing, Sacrifice, and Battle: Amechania and Related Concepts in Early Greek Poetry (1983) and The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad (1989). He has also published books for general audiences (Myths of the Ancient Greeks, 2003; Bulfinch’s Mythology, edit. 1991) and a number of articles on Greek, Latin, and Irish literature.