Gli horoi rupestri dell’attica

CHS/DAI Joint Fellow La vexata quaestio dei confini demici Un interessante ed alquanto nutrito dibattito si è svolto ed è tuttora in corso nel tentativo di definire con maggior precisione quale fosse l’effettiva natura dei demi clistenici. L’opinione predominante è che, nel compiere la sua riorganizzazione politica dell’Attica, Clistene immaginò… Read more

Tribute to Our Bátyánk

back Blaise, Michael, and Joseph Nagy Older brothers are usually cast as inconsequential foils or second-tier villains in the world of folktales. They fail where the youngest brother succeeds, and in their resentment of the latter’s success they may even go so far as to try to prevent that… Read more

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Odysseus Traditions and the τέλος of the Odyssey Richard Sacks, Columbia University Deep in the underworld of Odyssey 11, the poem pauses at lines 119-137 to tell its audience of Odysseus telling his Phaiakian audience of Teiresias telling our hero that even after the conclusion of all his efforts, he… Read more