About Us The Center for Hellenic Studies (CHS) is an institute affiliated with Harvard University located in Washington D.C.  It was founded in 1962 by means of an endowment made “exclusively for the establishment of an educational center in the field of Hellenic Studies designed to re-discover the humanism of… Read more

3. Κότος and Social Status

Chapter 3. Κότος and Social Status {78|79} At the beginning of this study, I suggested that kótos was identified in Calchas’s definition both by the length of time that it lasts and by the social status of the angered party. We have seen that the use of télos, metópisthen, and… Read more

Pindar, Pythian 8

Translation and Notes by Gregory Nagy This song, composed by Pindar to be sung and danced by an ad hoc local khoros in the island-state of Aigina, was commissioned by the family of an aristocrat named Aristomenes, as a celebration of his victory in the wrestling event at the Pythian… Read more

Theognis of Megara

Translated by Gregory Nagy Lord Apollo, son of Leto and Zeus, I will always have you 2 on my mind as I begin and as I end my song. You will be my song in the beginning, in the end, and in the middle. 4 Hear my prayer and… Read more

Plato, Phaedo, trans. Jowett

Translated by Benjamin Jowett Adapted by Gregory Nagy, Miriam Carlisle, and Soo-Young Kim Persons of the Dialogue Phaedo, who is the narrator of the dialogue to Echecrates of Phlius Socrates Apollodorus Simmias Cebes Crito Attendant of the Prison Scene The Prison… Read more

Plato, The Apology of Socrates

Translated by Benjamin Jowett Adapted by Miriam Carlisle, Thomas E. Jenkins, Gregory Nagy, and Soo-Young Kim Socrates [17a] How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who… Read more

Euripides, Bacchae

Translated by T. A. Buckley Revised by Alex Sens Further Revised by Gregory Nagy Dionysus I am Dionysus, the child of Zeus, and I have come to this land of the Thebans, where Kadmos’ daughter Semele once bore me, delivered by a lightning-blast. Having assumed a mortal… Read more