
CHS Greece Event: Aikaterini Polymerou Kamilaki, “Hidden in long-suffering Romiosyne, when I see Queen Greece from afar”: Thoughts on a distich by Palamas

Please join us on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., in Nafplion for the following lecture: “Hidden in long-suffering Romiosyne, when I see Queen Greece from afar”: Thoughts on a distich by Palamas Lecturer: Aikaterini Polymerou Kamilaki, Director, Hellenic Folklore Research Center, Academy of Athens Respondent: Socrates Loupas, Art Historian… Read more

Spring Break in Greece for Harvard Students & Young Alumni

Gregory Nagy, the Francis Jones Professor of Classical Greek Literature, Professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard University and the Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC is participating in the spring break trip to Greece on March 14 – March 22, 2014. The participants will have the chance to uncover Classical… Read more

Εις μνήμην Νίκου Χουρμουζιάδη (1930-2013)

Ο Νίκος Χουρμουζιάδης (Nikos Chourmouziadis), Ομότιμος καθηγητής της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής και Επίτιμος διδάκτωρ της Σχολής Θεάτρου του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης, απεβίωσε στις 18 Οκτωβρίου 2013, σε ηλικία 83 ετών. Ο Χουρμουζιάδης υπήρξε υπότροφος του Κέντρου Ελληνικών Σπουδών κατά το έτος 1966. Το ακαδημαϊκό έργο του επικεντρώθηκε στη δραματουργία και την… Read more

Pindar’s Homer by Gregory Nagy Available Online via CHS

New Online Publication at CHS The Center for Hellenic Studies is pleased to announce that Gregory Nagy's Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past (1990) is now available as part of the CHS Online Publications collection. Pindar's Homer continues the work that Nagy began in two previous books: The Best of the Achaeans and Comparative Studies in Greek and Indic Meter. As the title makes clear, the central… Read more