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Teaching Internships in Greece

July 16-August 1, 2015

culturalinternshipsprogramThe CHS offers the opportunity for up to three Harvard University undergraduate students to work as teaching fellows (TFs) from July 15-August 1, 2015 and gain teaching experience alongside a professor from Harvard University in the High School Summer Program (HSSP).

The TFs will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge and skills, and moreover, to coordinate, guide, and support high school students with little or no previous exposure to university methods of studying texts, writing essays, conducting surveys, and preparing presentations. The internship will include two phases: the preparation of the seminar (March-April, in Cambridge MA), and the seminar itself (July 16-August 1, in Nafplion, Greece).

The high school seminar is entitled “Introduction to the Study of Humanity” and is led by Dr. Nicolas Prevelakis (Harvard, Social Studies). It introduces students to Social and Political theory, as well as to the foundations of the social sciences. It covers broad topics such as the differences between types of human societies, the factors that lead to social change, the relationship between morality and politics, and the role of nationalism, ethnicity, and religion in today’s world.

Concentrators from all Harvard departments are eligible, but a background in the Social Sciences or in Social/Political philosophy is strongly recommended. Social Studies concentrators or classicists with a strong background in moral/political thought are particularly encouraged to apply due to their studies’ relevance with the thematic areas of the summer program.

For more information, visit the CHS webpage!