CHS Visiting Fellow | Rostislav Oreshko, University of Warsaw

JpegRostislav Oreshko will be staying at the CHS and using the library as a visiting fellow from November 2-16. Dr. Oreshko received his PhD in the History and Languages of Ancient Near East from the FU Berlin in 2012, and he currently is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Warsaw, Department of the Ancient Near East. His research focuses on the Anatolian languages, with particular interest in Luwian and the western dialectal zone (Lydian, Carian and Lycian); the historical, cultural and linguistic interaction between Anatolia and the Greek world; Greek oral poetry and Homeric language; and the problem of the Balkan linguistic area, the Balkan migration to Anatolia, and the Phrygian language. He is currently working on the project ‘Trojan Catalogue (Hom. Il. 2.816-877) and the Peoples of Western Anatolia in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age’, aiming at exploring the Homeric text in the light of Hittite sources and classical geographical tradition.
During his visit to the CHS, Dr. Oreshko will be working on a particular aspect of this project, the ‘Phrygian theme’ in the Iliad, in many respects crucial for exploring the relationship between the Homeric picture of Anatolia and historical reality underlying it.