Save the date! | CHS at Harvard Worldwide Week 2018

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The Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University will be honored by your presence at the Harvard Worldwide Week 2018 to attend the event:

Harvard beyond Harvard: Learn, teach, and engage abroad!

The event will be held at 2.15pm – 3pm, October 23, 2018, at the William Tsai Auditorium, 1737 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138. The event is held in collaboration with the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, Harvard University, and is free and open to the entire University community.
Program description:
Every year, new program templates are being developed, aiming to meet with the increasing challenges that emerge from a globalized educational environment; the University’s expanding international presence; and the students’ increasing need for participation in creative activities that reflect their studies and intellectual interests.
Please come and listen to students talking about an innovative study abroad experience, organized by Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies, in collaboration with the Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, which connects different phases of students’ educational life: learning on campus, teaching abroad, and engaging with a different educational and cultural environment.

Program of the event
Moderator: Nicolas Prevelakis, Lecturer on Social Studies & Assistant Director of Curricular Development, Center for Hellenic Studies.
2.15-2.25pm – Short presentation of the CHS Teaching Internship Program:
Nicolas Prevelakis, Lecturer on Social Studies & Assistant Director of Curricular Development, Center for Hellenic Studies.
2.25-3.00pm – Panel:
>Bonnie Talbert, Lecturer & Assistant Director of Studies, Social Studies.
>Don Tontiplaphol, Social Studies 10 Course Director and Preceptor in the Philosophy and Methods of the Social Sciences, Social Studies.
>Audrey Sheehy, Harvard, Social Studies, Teaching Internships/High School Summer Program (HSSP) Teaching Fellow, 2018.
>Salvatore DeFrancesco, Harvard, Social Studies, Teaching Internships/High School Summer Program (HSSP) Teaching Fellow, 2018.
>Rohan Shah, Harvard, Social Studies, Teaching Internships/High School Summer Program (HSSP) Teaching Fellow, 2018: Teaching as a way of learning. How teaching helps better understanding of content.
*The panel will address the following themes:
>Learning, practicing, and preparing for teaching.
>Teaching challenges. Sharing knowledge in a different cultural environment with students from different academic environments and with different backgrounds.
Check the dedicated webpage, and stay tuned with our latest updates about this event in the dedicated Facebook Event page.