News | Funding of Swedish research institutes in the Mediterranean region

We are happy to share the good news on the future of the Swedish research institutes in Rome, Athens and Istanbul!
Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister for Higher Education and Research in Sweden, announced on November 18, 2014 that “the Swedish research institutes in the Mediterranean region will continue to receive central government funding.” Ms Knutsson continued by saying that “the advance notice given of reduced central government funding for 2016 and 2017 no longer applies following our review of alternative funding sources for the institutes. We value these institutes and their important activities. They are highly regarded from many points of view – cultural, historical and for their research.”
The costs associated with the running of the Swedish research institutes are important,  but the government will find an alternative way to finance the operation and maintenance of these properties. You can find more information at the Swedish Government’s webpage.

Image credit: Detail of the right-hand facade fresco, showing Aristotle and His Disciples. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Wikimedia Commons, published before 1923 and public domain in the US.