View the fellowship cohorts by decade:
John Davies (UK)
A prosopography of Athenian landed families from the 6th to 3rd century
Anna Morpurgo (Italy)
A survey of the Boeotian dialecty; a lexicon of Linear B
Douglass Parker (US)
Translations of early plays of Aristophanes; a critique of The Acharnians
Kenneth Reckford (US)
Hans Peter Stahl (Germany)
Garry Wills (US)
Aeschylus; The Antigone of Sophocles
Jean-Claude Carrière (France)
Political ideas of Plutarch
John P.A. Gould (UK)
Euripides and Lysias; a study of the lit. of the late 5th and early 4th Centuries
John J. Keaney, Jr. (US)
An edition of Harpokration
Masaaki Kubo (Japan)
The importance of the mask in Greek tragedy
Walther Ludwig (Germany)
Hellenistic epigrams and the relations between New and Roman comedy
Hubert Martin, Jr. (US)
Plutarch’s biographical theory and method
William Whallon (US)
Homer; Aeschylus
Harry C. Avery (US)
A prosopographical study of the Four Hundred
Henry Steele Commager, Jr. (US)
The remains of Hellensitic literature and its influence on the Augustan poets
W. Robert Connor (US)
The fragments of Theopompus and the digression in Book X of the Philippica
Gilbert Lawall (US)
The pastoral poems of Theocritus
Michael C. Stokes (UK)
Uses of the terms “one” and “many” in the pre-Socratic philosophers; a history of pre-Socratic cosmogony
Leonardo Tarán (Argentina)
The Epinomis; Platonic Philosophy
Erich Thummer (Austria)
A commentary on the Isthmian Odes of Pindar
Anne-Marie Vérilhac (France)
Funeral epigrams on young boys
Anne Amory (US)
The Odyssey, with particular attention to traditional epithets
Berhard Kytzler (Germany)
The Greek epistolographic tradition; an edition of the Octavius
Pierre Pachet (France)
The technical vocabulary of the Stoic philosophy; an edition with a translation and a commentary on the fragments of Cleanthes
Carlo O. Pavese (Italy)
The Sophoclean papyri; a new Oxyrhynchus papyrus of Pindar
Jan Pecirka (Czechoslovakia)
Land ownership and citizen status in the Greek polis, with special attention to Athens
Gregory M. Sifakis (Greece)
Prosopographical, epigraphical, and archeological problems of the history of the Hellenistic theater
William J. Slater (UK)
A new Pindar lexicon
Peter Westervelt (US)
The similes of the Iliad and their role in the continuity of the poem
Alison M. Burford (UK)
The social, economic, and cultural status of artists and craftsmen in ancient Greek society
Walter Burkert (Germany)
Initiation rites in Greek cults and mythology
Eugen Dönt (Austria)
The history of Platonism from Plato to Plotinus
Pierre Laurens (France)
The relation of Martial to the Greek epigrammatic tradition
Anne Lebeck (US)
Theme and image in the Oresteia of Aeschylus
Harry Neumann (US)
Plato, with particular reference to the Symposium
Joseph A. Russo (US)
Homeric formula and meter
Ernst Sandvoss (Germany)
The concepts of soteria and diaphthora in Plato’s Laws
Klaus E. L. Bartels (Germany)
Aristotelian zoology
Robert H. Drews (US)
Greek universal historians, with special attention to Ephorus
C. Thomas Gelzer (Switzerland)
Neoplatonic allegorical literature and the text of Musaeus
Woldemar E. H. Görler (Germany)
Antiochus of Ascalon and the Middle Academy
Nicolaos C. Hourmouziades (Greece)
Mute figures in Greek drama
Donald Kagan (US)
Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War
David B. Robinson (UK)
Platonic and Aristotelian ethics
D. M. Schenkeveld (Netherlands)
The literary treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus
M. Rosemary Arundel (UK)
An essay, text, and commentary on Empedocles
Douglas D. Feaver (US)
Greek music and instruments
Bettie L. Forte (US)
Greco-Roman relations from the 4th century BC through the 2nd century AD
William W. Fortenbaugh (US)
Aristotle’s conception of moral virtue
Herwig C. Görgemanns (Germany)
Editions of Origenes’ De Principiis and Plato’s Crito
David Harvey (UK)
Democratic ideals and concepts in Greek states during the 5th and 4th centuries BC
Gustav A. Seeck (Germany)
Types of dramatic characters in Euripides
Charles P. Segal (US)
The Sophists and Democritus
J. Norman Austin (US)
The Homeric idea of poetics in the Odyssey
David J. Blackman (UK)
Epigraphical documents relating to the history of the Athenian navy
David E. Hahm (US)
The physical theories of the Stoics
Alexander L. W. Kleinlogel (Germany)
An edition of the scholia to Thucydides
Kjeld Matthiessen (Germany)
An edition of the Hecuba of Euripides
Marsh H. McCall, Jr. (US)
An edition of the Suppliants of Aeschylus
Wesley D. Smith (US)
Early Greek medical theory
Krystyna Weyssenhoff-Brozek (Poland)
The correspondence of Alexander the Great
J. Norman Austin (US)
The Homeric idea of poetics in the Odyssey
David J. Blackman (UK)
Epigraphical documents relating to the history of the Athenian navy
David E. Hahm (US)
The physical theories of the Stoics
Alexander L. W. Kleinlogel (Germany)
An edition of the scholia to Thucydides
Kjeld Matthiessen (Germany)
An edition of the Hecuba of Euripides
Marsh H. McCall, Jr. (US)
An edition of the Suppliants of Aeschylus
Wesley D. Smith (US)
Early Greek medical theory
Krystyna Weyssenhoff-Brozek (Poland)
The correspondence of Alexander the Great
Jack Martin Balcer (US)
Greek and Near Eastern history, with special attention to numismatic and epigraphical evidence
Malcolm S. Brown (US)
Plato and Greek mathematics
Diskin Clay (US)
Lucretius’ knowledge of Epicurean philosophy
Walter Leszl (Italy)
Aristotelian metaphysics
Gerhart Schneeweiss (Germany)
Ethical concepts governing the composition of Plutarch’s Lives
Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou (Greece)
An edition of new fragments of ancient authors in the Salonica manuscript of Photius
John Vaio (US)
An edition of Babrius
Ingomar Weiler (Austria)
The concept of the Agon in Greek mythology
O. Kimball Armayor (US)
Herodotus as an epic rather than a “scientific” historian
Gianfranco Fabiano (Italy)
Literary studies on Theocritus
Irwin L. Merker (US)
A historical commentary on Diodorus, books 18 to 20
John Michael Moore (UK)
A text of Polybius
Theodora Hadzisteliou Price (Greece)
Greek hero cults, with special reference to the archeological evidence
Pietro Pucci (Italy)
An edition of the Clouds of Arisophanes; Euripidean tragedy
Oliver Taplin (UK)
The dramatic technique of the Greek tragedians
Christian Wolff (US)
Literary studies in Euripides, particularly the Helen
Bruce E. Donovan (US)
The Euripidean papyri; a bibliography of literary papyri
Hermann Funke (Germany)
Ancient allegorical interpretations of poetry
John Glucker (UK)
Antiochus and the Late Academy
Sarah C. Humphreys (UK)
Kinship in the Greek city-state
John D. Moore (US)
An edition with commentary of Plato’s Symposium
Jacques Peron (France)
The techniques of Pindaric poetry
F. F. Schwarz (Austria)
A commentary on Arrian’s Indica
Charlotte Stough (US)
Plato’s metaphysics, with special attention to the Phaedo and Parmenides
Edwin L. Brown (US)
Astronomical sources of imagery in classical literature
Thomas Drew-Bear (US)
A history of Greco-Roman civilization in Phrygia
Michael Gagarin (US)
The political nature and background of Aeschylean tragedy
Wolfgana Dieter Lebeck (Germany)
Theophrastus’ literary treatises and the linguistic and stylistic theories of the early Peripatetics
Jorgen Mejer (Denmark)
The tradition of pre-Socratic philosophy from Plato to the end of antiquity
John Peradotto (US)
Myth and Märchen in the Odyssey: a study of the collision of conflicting narrative structures
Suzanne Saïd (France)
The function of nomos in the Oresteia
Steven Tigner (US)
Physical dynamics in pre-Platonic cosmology
Gerald Michael Browne (US) Harvard University
An edition of the Sortes Astrampsychi for the Bibliotheca Teubneriana
Sylwester Dworacki (Poland) University of Poznan
The dramatic technique of Menander
J. Staffan H. Fogelmark (Sweden) University of Lund
Homeric features in the poetry of Pindar and Bacchylides and development of style and language in Pindar
Charles Daniel Hamilton (US) University of Chicago
A study of the fourth century orators, particularly Isocrates and Demosthenes
Alexander P. D. Mourelatos (US) University of Texas at Austin
The philosophy of the early Greek Atomists
Bernd Seidensticker (Germany) University of Hamburg
Ancient tragicomedy
Daniel P. Tompkins (US) Wesleyan University
Studies in characterization, language, and historiography in Thucydides
Ronald Andrew Zirin (US) State University of New York at Buffalo
An investigation of what was known to the Greeks about the nature of the sounds of human speech
Elizabeth Ann Fisher (US) University of Minnesota
Greek knowledge of Latin literature in the Roman empire
Paul Siegfried Jäkel (Germany) University of Regensburg
Studies in Greek tragedy
David Keyt (US) University of Washington
Aristotle’s political philosophy
Linda Collins Reilly (US) College of William and Mary
Studies in ancient Greek slavery
Christopher Rowe (UK) The University, Bristol
Aristotle’s Politics
Carl Rubino (US) University of Texas at Austin
Cultural crisis and political language in 5th century Greece
Peter Siewert (Germany) University of Saarbrücken
Cerameicus studies
John Van Sickle (US) Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, Rome
Bucolic poetry as an ancient literary genre
Henry Jacob Blumenthal (UK) University of Liverpool
Neoplatonic commentaries on Aristotle
Frederick Thomas Griffiths (US) Amherst College
The non-pastoral idylls of Theocritus
Michael William Haslam (UK) University College, Cardiff
The papyri of the Greek tragedians
Louis Aryeh Kosman (US) Haverford College
Plato and the dialogue form
Tomás Calvo Martinez (Spain) University of Madrid
Models of language in Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle
Hunter Ripley Rawlings III (US) University of Colorado
The structure of Thucydides’ History
Thomas A. Szlezák (Germany) University of Zurich
Platonic studies
Nicholas P. White (US) University of Michigan
Ethics and moral psychology of the early and middle Stoics
Apostolos N. Athanassakis (US) University of California, Santa Barbara
A philological commentary on Iliad, Book I
Ann L. T. Bergren (US) Princeton University
The poetics of Epic verse
Deborah Boedeker (US) Georgetown University
Studies in archaic Greek poetry
Penelope Bulloch (UK) Girton College, Cambridge University
An edition of Aristophanes’ Plutus
John Patrick Lynch (US) University of California at Santa Cruz
Plato’s Academy and institutionalized higher education at Athens
Minor·M. Markle III (US)
Philip II of Macedon
Kurt Arnold Raaflaub (Switzerland) Free University of Berlin
The idea of freedom in archaic and classical Greece
Susan Mary Sherwin-White (UK) Hertford College, Oxford University
The Seleucid king, Antiochus the Great
Lawrence J. Bliquez (US) University of Washington
A new edition of Nachmanson’s Historische Attische Inschriften
Denis J. Corish (Eire) Bowdoin College
Greek theories of time (up to Aristotle and the Stoics)
Daniel T. Devereux (US) University of Virginia
The doctrine of moral goodness in the early Platonic dialogues
William E. Higgins (US) Brandeis University
An intellectual and cultural history of philotimia in Greco-Roman antiquity
Jadwiga Kubinska (Poland) Warsaw University
Epigraphical studies: Greek inscriptions of Asia Minor (Roman period)
Volker Langholf (Germany) University of Hamburg
The research methods of the authors of the Hippocratic treatises
Ian Mueller (US) University of Chicago
The philosophical presuppositions of Euclid’s Elements
William C. Mullen (US) Boston University
Pindar’s odes for victors from Aegina
Liliane M. J. Gh. Bodson (Belgium) University of Liege
History of Greek Religion, research in Ethnozoology applied to Antiquity
Jenny Strauss Clay (US) Johns Hopkins University
Relations between gods and men in the Odyssey and how these relations shape the overall poetical structure
Antonios Kapsomenos (Greece) University of Thessaloniki
Tragic diction in the light of parallel passages found within Tragedy, and between Epic and Tragedy or Lyric and Tragedy
Richard Patterson (US) Columbia University
Plato’s conception of the soul as self-moving motion
Peter J. Rhodes (UK) University of Durham
Commentary on the Aristotelian Constitution of Athens
James Tatum (US) Dartmouth College
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia and narrative techniques in the fourth century
Marc J. C. Waelkens (Belgium) State University Ghent
Epitaphs on doorstones in Phrygia; topographical and epigraphic study of the sarcophagi of Phrygia; Anatolian votive and tombstones as sources of the social and economic life in Roman antiquity
Paul B. Woodruff (US) University of Texas at Austin
A book about the Hippias Major with translation and philosophical commentary; an extensive essay of interpretation
Jon-Christian Billigmeier (US) Santa Barbara Community College
A comparative and historical grammar of Mycenean Greek
Susan G. Cole (US) The University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
The mysteries of Dionysus; epigraphical and historical studies
Polymnia Athanassiadi-Fowden (Greece) The University of Athens
The last Neoplatonists and the relevant problem of the persecution and martyrdom of pagans in the late Roman empire
Allan Gotthelf (US) Trenton State College
Aristotle’s conception of final causality
Augusto Guida (Italy) University of Florence
A new edition of the Lexicon Vindobonense
Andreas Katsouris (Cyprus) University of Ioannina
Studies in the techniques of New Comedy
Mae Smethurst (US) University of Pittsburgh
Greek tragedy and Japanese Noh plays
Donald Zeyl (Canada) University of Rhode Island
Some topics in the philosophy of Socrates (akrasia, hedonism, the unity of the virtues)
Jan Nicolaas Bremmer (Netherlands) University of Utrecht
Birth, maturity and death in Classical Greece; a study of the main rites of passage
Peter Hart Burian (US) Duke University
Structure and convention in Greek tragedy
Maria Dzielska (Poland) Jagiellonian University
Apollonius of Tyana; the ancient tradition
Richard Kraut (US) University of Illinois, Chicago Circle
Moral expertise in the philosophy of Socrates
Paul Anthony Rahe (US) Cornell University
The career of Lysander
Tessa Rajak (UK) University of Reading
The historian Flavius Josephus
Nicholas J. Richardson (UK) Merton College, Oxford
Ancient criticism and interpretation of the Homeric poems
Thomas Schwertfeger (Germany) Hamburg University
Studies in archaic Greek history
Walter Eder (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin
Lawgivers in archaic Greece
Christoph Eucken (Germany) Bern University
Isocrates, Plato and Aristotle
Paul David Kovacs (US) University of Virginia
A study of Euripides’ Heracles and Trojan Women
Thomas Martin (US) Harvard University
Demetrius Poliorcetes and the Greek mainland cities
Andrew Miller (US) University of Pittsburgh
The Homeric hymn to Apollo
Deborah Modrak (US) University of California at Riverside
Aristotle’s theory of perception
Nancy Rubin (US) University of Georgia at Athens
Studies on Homeric epic
Cynthia Shelmerdine (US) University of Texas at Austin
A cultural study of Mycenean society
Waltraut Desch (Austria) University of Graz
The gods in Euripidean drama
Kathy H. Eden (US) Columbia University
Legal procedure and tragic structure in Greek, Roman and Renaissance tragedy
Thomas J. Figueira (US) Rutgers University
The Aeginetan odes of Pindar
Lawrence J. Jost (US) University of Cincinnati
A detailed comparison of the treatments of agathon, eudaimonia, arete and philia in Aristotle’s Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics
John N. Kazazis (Greece) University of Thessaloniki
Typical scenes in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica
Robert D. Lamberton (US) Mt. Allison University
Neoplatonic allegorizing interpretations of Homer
James H. Lesher (US) University of Maryland
The Homeric concept of knowledge
Charles M. Reed (US) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Maritime traders in the Hellenistic period
Julia E. Annas (UK) St. Hugh’s College, Oxford
Aristotle’s philosophical theory of perception
Glenn R. Bugh (US) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
A study of the Athenian cavalry as an aristocratic social institution
Anne Carson (Canada) Princeton University
The Greek concept of Eros
Albio C. Cassio (Italy) University of Naples
Studies in Greek dialects and ancient dialectological research
James G. Lennox (Canada) University of Pittsburgh
Aristotle’s “philosophy of biology”
Alice S. Riginos (US) Howard University
The contribution of Alexandrian scholars development of ancient biography
Deborah H. Roberts (US) Haverford College
‘Endings’ in Greek tragedy: closure and narrative structure
Peter M. Smith (US) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Concepts of Time and Justice in archaic Greek poetry
Peter Bing (US) University of Pennsylvania
A commentary on Callimachus’ Hymn to Delos
Dorothea Frede (US) Rutgers University
Heraclitean Hedonism in Plato’s Philebus
Kevin H. Lee (Australia) University of Canterbury
A critical edition of Euripides’ Heracles
Mary M. A. Mackenzie (UK) University of Cambridge
A study of paradox in Greek thought
Sheila H. Murnaghan (US) Yale University
The hero in epic and tragedy (with particular reference to Aristotle’s Poetics)
Michael B. Poliakoff (US) Wellesley College
Coniliat sports in the ancient world
Frank E. Romer (US) Johns Hopkins University
The Politics of of Tyranny; Athens 640-336 B.C.
Simon R. Slings (Netherlands) Free University of Amsterdam
A critical edition of Plato’s 8th tetralogy
David Charles (UK) Oxford University
Aristotle’s Account of Meaning and Natural Kinds
Robert Garland (UK) University of Keele
The Piraeus from the 490’s to 86 B.C.
Anne H. Groton (US) St. Olaf College
Commentary on Menander’s Aspis
Arthur R. Madigan (US) Boston College
Greek Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Gamma
Richard C. McKim (Canada) University of Texas, Austin
Plato’s early and middle dialogues
Hanna M. Roisman (Israel) Tel Aviv University
Study of the word kerdos in Greek literature
Joseph Roisman (Israel) Ben Gurion University in the Negev
The role and significance of information communication in Classical Greece
Susan C. Shelmerdine (US) University of North Carolina. Greensboro
Commentary on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes
Walter Stockert (Austria) Gymnasium für Mädchen
Commentary on Iphigenia at Aulis
Daniel Blickman (US) Brigham Young University
The origins of Greek teleological ethics
Robert Bracht Branham (US) Emory University
A literary study of Lucian’s satires
Helena Cichocka (Poland) University of Warsaw
The rhetorical tradition of Hermogenes
Anthony T. Edwards (US) University of Michigan
The country and the city from Homer through the fourth century B.C.
Enrico Livrea (Italy) University of Florence
Nonnos’ Paraphrase of St. John’s Gospel
Robert J. Mondi (US) Randolph-Macon Woman’s College
Hesiod’s use of mythic narratives
Georg Petzl (Germany) University of Cologne
Inscriptions of Lydia and Commagene
John A. Walsh (US) Princeton University
History of the Pentecontaëtia
Christopher K. Callanan (US) University of Göttingen
Middle Platonic and Neoplatonic commentaries on Plato
Michael Erler (Germany) University of Konstanz
Epicurus and Epicureanism
André Laks (France) University of Lille
Plato’s political philosophy
Adele C. Scafuro (US) Brown University
Herodotean influence on Hellenistic historiography
Theodore Scaltsas (Greece) University of Edinburgh
An Aristotelian theory of substance
Pauline Schmitt-Pantel (France) University of Paris
“Histoire des Moeurs”
Niall W. Slater (US) University of Southern California
Theatrical self-consciousness in Aristophanes
Mark Toher (US) Union College
Funeral laws in archaic Greek and Roman law codes
Osmund Bopearachchi (Sri Lanka) C.N.R.S., Paris
A numismatic and historical study of the Indo-Greeks
Thomas W. Gallant (US) University of Florida
Household and community in ancient Greece
Henry Mendell (US) California State University, Los Angeles
Aristotle’s philosophy of mathematics
Cynthia Patterson (US) Emory University
Patterns of membership in the polis before Aristotle
Hermann S. Schibli (Germany) Saint Anselm College
The descent of the soul in pagan and Christian antiquity
David Shive (US)
The unity of authorship of the Iliad and Odyssey
Allan Silverman (US) The Ohio State University
Plato on the separation of knowledge from belief
David Whitehead (UK) University of Manchester
Aineias the Tactician (translation, introduction, commentary)
Edwin M. Carawan (US) Southwest Missouri State University
Rhetoric and law in classical Athens
Andrew Ford (US) Princeton University
Criticism of poetry in fifth century Athens
Andrei V. Lebedev (USSR) Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences
The transmission of Greek physical doxography
Maria Jagoda Luzzatto (Italy) University of Florence
Aesop and the Aesopic logoi
Ian Morris (UK) University of Chicago
Economic growth and ideological change in Greek city states
Josiah Ober (US) Montana State University
Athenian critics of popular rule
Anthony W. Price (UK) University of York
Mental conflict, Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia
Maurice P. Rehm (US) Emory University
Marriage and funeral rituals in Greek tragedy
Patricia Kenig Curd (US) Purdue University
The influence of Parmenides and Heraclitus on Plato
Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson (Iceland) The University of Iceland
Plotinus, Ennead VI 4-5 (English translation and commentary)
Michael A. Flower (US) Franklin and Marshall College
Theopompus of Chios and fourth-century historiography
Geneviève Hoffmann (France) University of Reims
Maiden and woman in Athenian society
Steven H. Lonsdale (US) Davidson College
Dance and ritual play in Greek religion
Irad Malkin (Israel) Tel Aviv University
Myths and cults as validations of colonization
Emmanuel Voutiras (Greece) University of Thessaloniki
The cults of ancient Macedonia
Roslyn Weiss (US) University of Delaware
Impediments to the teachability of virtue in Plato
Mary Whitlock Blundell (UK) University of Washington
Plato’s use of characterization
Carlo Brillante (Italy) University of Venice
Poetry and poetic inspiration in archaic Greece
Diana Delia (US) Texas A&M University
Social and political history of Alexandria
Christopher A. Faraone (US) Virginia Polytechnic Institute/State University
Erotic magic in ancient Greece
Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp (Germany) University of Cambridge
Arbitrators, lawgivers, written law in archaic Greece
Lisa Kallet-Marx (US) Swarthmore College
Thucydides and Athenian finances
Andrei A. Rossius (USSR) Moscow State University
The Corpus Arateum (an analysis of Aratus’ Phaenomena)
Peter Simpson (UK) College of Staten Island, CUNY
A philosophical commentary on Aristotle’s Politics
Egbert J. Bakker (Netherlands) Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences & Arts
Homeric diction as “special speech”
Paula Gottlieb (UK) University of Wisconsin-Madison
Aristotle on the unity of the virtues
Lutz Käppel (Germany) University of Tübingen
A commentary on Aeschylus’ Eumenides
Nikolai N. Kazansky (Russa) St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics
Reconstruction of Mycenaean texts on the basis of Homeric epic
Constance C. Meinwald (US) University of Illinois at Chicago
Plato’s late dialogues: the Philebus
Mark H. Munn (US) Stanford University
Athens at war with Sparta, 403-371 B.C.
Ian Rutherford (UK) Harvard University
Theoria in classical Greek religion, literature, and social history
J.M. van Ophuijsen (Netherlands) University of Leiden
History of topics and dialectic from Aristotle to Boethius
Harry R. Barnes (US) University of Texas, San Antonio
Colon, Formula, and Phrase Patterning in Greek Poetry
Eric G. Csapo (Canada) University of Toronto
Character and Narrative in Ancient Drama: A Diachronic Approach
Mary J. Depew (US) University of Iowa
Myth, Mimesis, and Innovation in Callimachus’ Hymns
Julia Heskel (US) Yale University
The Foreign Policy of Philip of Macedon
Ahuvia Kahane (Israel) Oxford University
Literary Function and Formal Properties in Epic Texts
Vanda Kazanskiene (Lithuania) University of St. Petersburg
Social-Political History of Mycenaean Greece
Robin N. Mitchell (US) Temple University
Euripidean Drama and the Foundation of Culture
Dirk Obbink (US) Barnard College, Columbia University
Hymn, Cult and Genre
Dmitri V. Panchenko (Russia) Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
The discovery of the sphericity of the earth by the Greeks
Harvey E. Yunis (US) Rice University
To Instruct and Persuade: Rhetoric and Political Theory in Classical Athens
Richard Arnot Belt (UK) Johns Hopkins University
Sextus Empiricus, Against the Ethicists: Translation and Commentary
István Bodnár (Hungary) Eötvös University
Sphairopoiia: Homocentric Spheres and Unmoved Mover(s)
Christoph Konrad (Germany) University of Colorado, Boulder
Plutarch’s Rome: Institutions and Society of the Republic
William Loomis (US) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Economic History of Classical Athens
Margaret Miller (Canada) University of Toronto
Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century B.C: A Study in Cultural Receptivity
Donald Morrison (US) Rice University
The Good of the City in Classical Political Philosophy
S. Douglas Olson (US) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stories and Storytelling in Homer’s Odyssey, and a New Critical Text of Aristophanes’ Pax
Juha Sihvola (Finland) University of Helsinki
Aristotle’s Politics and the Possibility of the Good Life
Ineke Sluiter (Netherlands) Vrije Universiteit
The Philological Paradigm in Antiquity
Rosalind Thomas (UK) University of London
Herodotus the Sophist? Herodotus’ Histories and the Sophistic and Early Ionian Medical Writers
Gianfranco Agosti (Italy) Università di Firenze
Tradition and Innovation in the Poetic Language of Late Antiquity
Carla Antonaccio (US) University of Chicago
Post-Colonial Sicily: The Case of Morgantina
Christopher Bobonich (US) University of Chicago
Utopia Refigured: The Ethical and Political Philosophy of Plato’s Laws
Stephen Lambert (UK) Oxford University
Attic Phratry Subgroups
Kathryn Morgan (Canada) Ohio State University
Mythological Philosophers
Emidio Spinelli (Italy) Università di Eoma
Sextus Empiricus, Outlines of Scepticism: Translation, Introduction, and Commentary.
Lukas Thommen (Switzerland) Universität Basel
Lakedaimonion politeia. The Origins of the Spartan Constitution.
Stephen Todd (UK) University of Keele
Commentary on Lysias
Christian Wildberg (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin
Critique and Epiphany: Gods in the Dramas of Euripides
Leonid Zhmud (Russia) Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
Origin of Ancient Greek Historiography of Science
Han Baltussen (Netherlands) Utrecht University
Theophrastus’ Physics in Doxographical Perspective
Andrea Berlin (US) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Material Elements of the Hellenistic Koine
Helma Dik (Netherlands) University of Amsterdam
Verse Structure and Clause Structure in Greek Drama
Askold Ivantchik (Russia) Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The Greeks and Iranian Nomads in the 8th-5th Centuries B.C Literary Tradition and Historical Reality
Paul Keyser (US) Cornell University
Unravelingthe Noose of Words: Control Experiments and the Problem of Stylistics
Peter Lautner (Hungary) Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Phantasia and Memory in the Late Neoplatonists
Deborah Lyons (US) University of Rochester
The Economics of Gender: Women and Exchange in Ancient Greece
Stefan Merkle (Germany) University of Munich
Babrios’ “Mythiamboi”
Sarah Peirce (US) Fordham University
Thysia and Offering Ritual in Attic Tragedy
Charles Brian Rose (US) University of Cincinnati
The History and Archaeology of Troy in the Greek, Roman and Byzantine Periods
Erwin Cook (US) University of Texas at Austin
The Plot of the Odyssey
Ann Kuttner (US) University of Pennsylvania
Pergamon’s Influence on Roman Art and Culture
Alessandro Linguiti (Italy) University of Milan
Plotinus on Happiness and Time: A Commentary on Ennead I 5
David Martinez (US) University of Texas at Austin
Ancient Greek Papyri in the University of Texas Collection
Elizabeth Meyer (US) University of Virginia
Manumission and the Evolution of Slavery in Greece, 700 B.C. – A.D. 350
Daniel Ogden (UK) University of Wales
Greek and Roman necromancy
Jonathan Price (US/Israel) University of Tel Aviv
A Commentary on Appian, Civil Wars II
Sara Rappe (US) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Damascius’ Doubts and Solutions Concerning First Principles: Philosophy at the End of an Epoch
Marijana Ricl (Yugoslavia) University of Belgrade
Religious Life in Graeco-Roman Lydia and Phrygia
Yun Lee Too (Canada/UK) University of Liverpool
Commentary on Isocrates’ Antidosis
Timothy Boyd (US) College of the Holy Cross
From Rhapsode to Reader
Victor Caston (US) Brown University
The Problem of Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy
Paola Ceccarelli (Italy) Università dell’Aquila
Insularity in Ancient Greece: Political and Cultural Aspects
Jonathan Hall (UK) University of Chicago
The Historical Context of Greek Ethnicities
Thomas Johansen (Denmark) University of Bristol
Plato’s Physics: A Study of Plato’s Timaeus
Sergei Karpyuk (Russia) Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The Role of Unorganized Mass Gatherings in the Political Life of Ancient Greece
Franziska Lang (Germany) Universität Münster
Stratike – The Biography of a Landscape
Astrid Möller (Germany) Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
The Invention and Use of Name Lists. A Study in Greek Chronography and Horography
Helen Morales (UK) University of Reading
The Poetics and Politics of Musaeus’ Hero and Leander
David Rosenbloom (US) Victoria University
Tyrants and Peasants in Performance: Tragedy, Comedy, and the Culture of Athenian Imperialism
Dominic Scott (UK) Cambridge University
Commentary on Plato’s Meno
Hans van Wees (Netherlands) University College London
A Social History of Archaic Greece
Victoria Wohl (US) Ohio State University
Love Among the Ruins: The Erotics of Democracy in Classical Athens
Chloe Balla (Greece) College Year in Athens
Isocrates in the context of Fifth- and Fourth-Century Philosophy
Marcelo Diego Boeri (Argentina) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Aristotelian Mediation in the Stoic Reception of Socratic Ethics
Christina Anne Clark (US) Bowdoin College
Paler than Grass: Nonverbal Communication in Archaic Greek Poetry
Gabriele Costa (Italy) University of Tübingen
gt; The Language of the Preplatonic Thinkers
John Gibert (US) University of Colorado at Boulder
Euripides’ Ion: Text and commentary
Dean Hammer (US) Franklin and Marshall College
The Iliad as Politics
Peter Alan Hunt (US) Davidson College
War Oratory in Fourth-Century Athens
Mi-Kyoung Mitzi Lee (US) University of Illinois at Chicago
Protagoras and the Development of Early Greek Epistemology
J. E. Lendon (Canada) University of Virginia
Sparta and her Foreign Relations
John M. Marincola (US) American Philological Association
Herodotus Book IX: A Literary and Narratological Study
Christian Jochen Paul Mileta (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin
The King and his Land: Investigations of Rule and Administration in the Interior of Hellenistic Asia Minor
James Romm (US) Fordham University
Ancient Greek Views of India and their Influence on the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Gábor Betegh (Hungary)
The Derveni Papyrus
Sandra Blakely (USA)
Daimones, metals and models: An anthropology of production in the Greek Daimonic myths
Gregory Bucher (USA)
Appian of Alexandria: A re-evaluation of his life, work, and cultural context
Björn Forsén (Finland)
Agios Elias of Asea: An unknown regional Arcadian sanctuary
Nikolay Grintser (Russia)
Aristotle’s Poetics: Summing up the previous views on poetry
Jens Holzhausen (Germany)
The Naasene Tract: Philological and historical commentary
Steven Alann Johnstone (USA)
A history of trust in classical Greece
Jeffrey Lerner (USA)
The Greeks in the Hellenistic Far East
Roberto Polito (Italy)
Aenesidemus and the ancient sceptical tradition
Martin Revermann (Germany)
Catastrophe continued: Receptions of Euripidean tragedy in antiquity
Gretchen Reydams-Schils (Belgium)
Stoic meditation: The self as mediator
Sarolta Anna Takács (USA)
Religious traditions and cultural aesthetics: The case of the Greco-Roman cult statues
Benjamin Acosta-Hughes (USA)
Cantat Alexandria: Hellenistic reception of archaic lyric
Manuel Baumbach (Germany)
Commentary on Chariton
Hans Beck (Germany)
Mirrors of an elite: Plutarch’s mid-Republican lives
Sylvia Berryman (U.K./Canada)
Attraction and the power of the void
Beate Dignas (Germany)
Spoilt for Choice? Or: What makes a cult important? Religious activities of urban and rural elites in the Greek East
Miriam Hecquet-Devienne (France)
L’histoire intellectuelle de la Tradition de la Metaphysique d’Aristote
Gail Hoffman (USA)
Imitations and adaptations: Greek transformations of Near Eastern art
Sean Kelsey (USA)
Two arguments for the existence of Plato’s forms
Elizabeth Kosmetatou (Greece/Belgium)
The votive offerings in the Delian inventory lists
Nassos Papalexandrou (Greece)
Tripods and rituals: The technology of human and divine authority in ancient Greek culture
David Schur (US)
Plato’s literary strategy of indirect narration
Jan Szaif (Germany)
Peripatetic conceptions of Eudaimonia and the natural objects of human desire
Kai Trampedach (Germany)
Greek divination and Greek politics from Homer to Alexander
Alastair J.L. Blanshard (Australia) University of Sydney
The rule of rhetoric: Athenian forensic performance and its social dynamics
Anna Bonifazi (Italy) Harvard University/University of Turin
Pragmatics of the lyric performance
Friedemann Buddensiek (Germany) University of Frankfurt
Aristotle on artifacts
Ortwin Dally (Germany) German Archaeological Institute
“Preservation of Monuments” in the Hellenistic and Roman imperial age
Eleanor Dickey (USA) University of Exeter
The practice of obfuscation by ancient Greek writers
Peter Jackson (Sweden) Univeristy of Tromsø
Dioscurica and the roots of the Trojan Cycle
Joanna Komorowska (Poland) Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie
Vettius Valens and the Anthologiarum libri
Boris M. Nikolsky (Russia) Russian State University of Humanities
Antiochus of Ascalon and Hellenistic ethics
Athanasios Samaras (Greece) George Washington University
The political Socrates
Joshua Sosin (USA) Duke University
A possession for all time: Perpetual endowments in the ancient world
Roger Travis (USA) University of Connecticut
Tragic identification and poetic education in 5th century Athens
Alexander Verlinksy (Russia) University of Saint Petersburg
Ancient ideas of the origin and development of culture
Nancy Worman (US) Columbia University
The rhetor’s mouth: Character assassination and oral imagery in Athenian public performance
Dimitrios Yatromanolakis (Greece) Johns Hopkins University
Society in contest: Poetic and musical competitions in the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Eras
Derek Collins (USA) University of Michigan
Rationalizing Greek magic
Boris Dreyer (Germany) Universität Göttingen
The cities of Asia Minor is the age of the last two Attalids and during the was between Rome and Aristonikos-The dossier of metropolis
Julie Laskaris (USA) University of Richmond
The exotica of the ancient Greek pharmacopia and the cross-cultural transmission of expertise
Emese Mogyoródi (Hungary) Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Xenophanes, Parmenides, and the conception of ontology in early Greek philosophy
Corinne Pache (USA/Switzerland) Yale University
Divine desire
Ricardo Salles (Mexico) National Autonomous University of Mexico
Epictetus on moral responsibility and the psychology of action
Peter Scholz (Germany) University of Frankfurt
The Greek citizen as “Educated Man”-Status, expansion, and representation of higher intellectual education in Hellenistic times
Pavlos Sfyoeras (Greece) Middlebury College
The feast of poetry: Sacrifice and performance in Aristophanic comedy
Monika Trümper (Germany) University of Heidelburg
The sea-borne commerce of late Hellenistic Delos. An archaeological study of the commercial topography
Jessica Wissman (Germany) University of Iowa
Homer in Greek education
Zachary Biles (USA) Franklin & Marshall College
Aristophanes and the Poetics of Competition
Gabriela Carone (Argentina) University of Colorado at Boulder
Creating Happiness: Luck, Pleasure, and the Excellent Life in Plato’s Laws
Martine Cuypers (Netherlands) Trinity College, Dublin
Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 2
Filippo Canali de Rossi (Italy) Liceo Scientifico Talete
Hellenism Beyond the Euphrates: A Documentary Approach
Casey Dué (USA) University of Houston
The Captive Woman’s Lament in Greek Tragedy
Timothy Duff (UK) University of Reading (Fall)
Classicism, Text and History in Roman Greece: Plutarch’s Life of Alcibiades
Marc Domingo Gygax (Spain) Princeton University
Benefaction and Rewards: Greek Euergetism from its Origins to the Hellenistic Age
Alexander Hollmann (South Africa) University of Puget Sound
The Curse Tablets of Antioch
Bruce King (USA) Columbia University (Spring Semester)
Contexts of Empedoklean Wandering
Silke Knippschild (Germany) Technische Universitaet Dresden
Spoils and Iconoclasm: The Role of Art in Creating and Destroying Identities, First Millennium B.C.
John Lundon (Canada/Italy) University of Cologne
Homer Papyri from Vienna
Julius Rocca (Australia) University of Birmingham
Autopsia, Anatomy, and the Development of Anatomical Science: Towards a Philosophy of the Body in Late Antiquity
Donna Wilson (USA) Brooklyn College
The Strength-Intelligence Opposition in Greek Epic and Indo European Myth and Poetics
Annetta Alexandridis (Germany) Rostock University, Germany
Shifting Species: The Iconography of Metamorphosis and Zoophilia from the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic Period
Rebecca Flemming (Great Britain) King’s College London (Fall Semester)
Prognosis and Prophecy in Classical Medicine
Thorsten Fögen (Germany) Humboldt-Universität – Berlin
Technical, Non-Verbal, Animal and Gender-Specific Communication in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
John Franklin (USA) University of Vermont
The Middle Muse: Mesopotamian Echoes in Archaic Greek Music
Sophie Lalanne (France) l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Being Roman in the Greek Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Empire (from Augustus to Antonine)
Mireille Lee (USA) Macalester College, Minnesota
Social Meanings of Feminine Dress in Ancient Greece
Marcello Lupi (Italy) Seconda Universita’ Degli StuiI di Napoli
The Segmentation of the Spartan Citizen Body
Michael Lurje (Russia) University of Göttingen
Encounter between Pagan Philosophers and Christians in the Third and Fourth Centuries A.D.
Charles Pazdernik (USA) Grand Valley State University
HO DOULOS TOU BASILEOS: the Master-Slave Metaphor and the Construction of Elite Identity in Late Antiquity
Alex Purves (Great Britain) University of California – Los Angeles
Bodies of Gods: Corporeality and Divinity in Archaic Greek Epic
Kirk Sanders (USA) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Natural Passions: An Epicurean Theory of Emotions
Marek Wecowski (Poland) University of Warsaw (Spring Semester)
Enhancing the Fatherland: History of a Greek Idea
Felix Budelmann (Germany) The Open University
Edition with commentary of a selection from Greek lyric
Helen Cullyer (Great Britain) University of Pittsburgh
Reevaluating to kalon in Aristotle’s Ethics
Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet (France) Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Artemisia and the Greeks: Politics and Gender Identities in Ancient Greece
Anne Duncan (USA) University of Nebraska
Tyranny and Theater in Ancient Greece
Christos Fakas (Germany) University of Hamburg
Comedy and Satyric Drama: Typology and History of an Intertextual Relationship
Thomas Jenkins (USA) Trinity University
American Classics: Transformations of Antiquity in Postwar America
Astrid Lindenlauf (Germany) The German Archaeological Institute at Athens
Athens: Urban Development and City Walls
Polly Low (Great Britain) University of Manchester
Political Speech and Political Writing in Fourth-century BC Athens
Timothy Power (USA) University of Washington, Seattle
The Sound of the City: Cultural Acoustics in Classical Athens
Philomen Probert (Great Britain) University of Oxford
Relative Clauses in Greek
Francesca Schironi (Italy) Harvard University
Aristarchus of Samothrace
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III (USA) Bryn Mawr College
Redefining Ancient Orphism: A Study in Ancient Greek Religion
Alexander Herda (Germany) Freie Universität Berlin
Agora and Townplanning of Miletus before and after the Persian Wars
Joannis Mylonopoulos (Greece) Universität Erfurt
Images of the Gods: The visual construction of the divine in Ancient Greece
Maria Noussia (Greece) Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti
Crates of Thebes: Text, Translation and Commentary
Roland Oetjen (Germany) Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik (Spring Semester)
The Honorary Decree for Protogenes and the History of Olbia in the Hellenistic Period
Cashman Kerr Prince (USA) University of Southern California
The Poetics of Deixis in Sappho and Alcaeus
Werner Riess (Germany) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Social Drama of Violence in Fourth-Century BCE Athens- A Cultural History of Civic Violence
Rachel Singpurwalla (USA) Southern Illinois University
The Metaphysics and Psychology of Unity in Plato’s Ethics
Stefan Tilg (Austria) Universität Bern (Fall Semester)
Poetics in the Ancient Novel
Alexandra Trachsel (Switzerland) Université de Neuchâtel
Online Edition ofthe Fragments of Demetrius of Scepsis
Uri Yiftach-Firanko (Israel) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Legal Documents from Egypt: The Choice of the Document
Alexei V. Zadorojnyi (UK) University of Liverpool
Images of Literacy in Greco-Roman Literature
Pascale Brillet-Dubois (France) Université Lumière-Lyon 2
Construction and Destruction of Meaning in Euripides’ Trojan Women
Margherita Maria F.R.G. Di Nino (Italy) Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Epitaphios Bionos: Text and Commentary
Lucia Floridi (Italy) Independent Scholar (Spring Semester)
The Epigrams oj Lucillius: Text and Commentary
Zina Giannopoulou (Greece) University of California, Irvine
Reading Plato’s Theaetetus as a Second Apology
Zena Hitz (USA) University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Plato and Aristotle on the Rule of Law
Elizabeth Irwin (USA) Columbia University (Fall Semester)
Herodotus and the Later Fifth Century: A Study of Book 3
Casper C. de Jonge (Netherlands) Leiden University (Fall Semester)
Myth, Memory, and Models of Identity. Mythological Exempla in Greek Tragedy
Giuseppe Lentini (Italy) Università di Siena
The Notion of Sema in Ancient Greece
Patrick Lee Miller (USA) Duquesne University
Becoming God: Pure Reason in Ancient Greek Philosophy
Jeremy Rau (USA) Harvard University
The “Aeolicization” of Homeric Language
Daniel Richter (USA) University of Southern California (Spring Semester)
Lucian’s Past: Classicism, Atticism, and Identity in the Second Century CE
Joseph Rife (USA) Macalester College
Burial, Ritual, and Memory in Roman Greece and Asia Minor
Håkan Tell (Sweden) Dartmouth College
Counterfeiting Philosophy
Dominic Bailey (UK) University of Colorado, Boulder
Carving along the Joints: Ancient Theories of Concepts
Emily Baragwanath (New Zealand) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Imagining Xenophon’s Women
Sarah Ferrario (USA) The Catholic University of America
Athens ‘the Great’? The Ascendancy of the Individual in Classical Greece
Volker Grieb (Germany) Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Non-residential)
The Greek city-state in the first century B.C.: polis-society between Hellenistic tradition and Roman domination
Miguel Herrero de Jauregui (Spain) Universidad Complutense (Spring Semester)
The Epic Framing of Greek Religious Experience
Lora Holland (USA) University of North Carolina, Asheville (Non-residential)
A new approach to syncretism in the cults for Artemis and Diana
Konstantine Kalogeropoulos (Greece) Independent Scholar (Non-residential)
Concepts of ritual practice and sacrifice in Attica from the Mycenaean until the early Hellenistic period
Andromache Karanika (USA) University of California, Irvine
Transformations of Genre: Performance at Work, Performances about Work
Melissa Mueller (USA) University of Massachusetts
Objects as Actors: The Dramatic Life of Things in Attic Tragedy
Fred Naiden (USA) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Non-residential)
Smoke signals for the gods
Andrej Petrovic (Serbia) Durham University
Greek Metrical Sacred Regulations
Ivana Petrovic (Serbia) Durham University
Greek Metrical Sacred Regulations
Joshua Reynolds (USA) University of Texas, Austin
The Nod of Zeus: Signs, Limits and Power in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature
Gunnar Seelentag (Germany) University of Cologne
A Cultural History of Crete in the Archaic Period
Laura Swift (UK) University of Oxford (Non-residential)
Sappho: a commentary with introduction and translation
Nikola Theodossiev (Bulgaria) American Research Center in Sofia, Bulgaria (Non-residential)
The Thracian painted tomb at Alexandrovo
Tarik Wareh (USA) Union College
The Lost Years: Literary Competition, Philosophy, and Politics in the Generation after Plato and Isocrates
Xiaoqun Wu (China) Fudan University (Fall Semester)
Ancient Greek Rituals and Family Life during the Classical Period
Elizabeth Baughan (USA) University of Richmond (Short Term)
Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond
Jose Gonzalez (Spain) Duke University (Academic Year)
The Homeric Hymns and the Development of Greek Lyric Traditions
Johannes Haubold (Germany) Durham University (Spring Semester)
Greece and Mesopotamia: dialogues in literature
Todd Hickey (USA) University of California-Berkeley (Fall Semester)
Reading the papyri of a priestly family: Social relations and cultural negotiation under Roman rule
Phillip Horky (USA) Durham University (Academic Year)
The City-State Commensurate: Plato and Pythagorean Political Philosophy
Regina Höschele (Germany) University of Toronto (Fall Semester)
Greek imperial epigram
Rachel Kousser (USA) Brooklyn College (Short Term)
Ancient iconoclasm: Destroying the power of images in Greece, 480-31 B.C.
Donald Lavigne (USA) Texas Tech University (Spring Semester)
Impossible Voices: Archaic Poetics and Archaic Epigram
Mariska Leunissen (Netherlands) Washington University in St. Louis (Academic Year)
The Physiology of Character in Aristotle
Nikolaos Papazarkadas (Greece) University of California-Berkeley (Spring Semester)
Law courts and judicial administration in Hellenistic Athens
Alexis Pinchard (France) Lycée Militaire d’Aix en Provence (Short Term)
Indo-iranian Myths and Phraseology in the Orphic Cosmogonic Poetry
Allen Romano (USA) Florida State University (Spring Semester)
Tragic ‘Homericity’ and Vocal Virtuosity: Text Mining Heroic Speech in Epic & Tragedy
Norman Sandridge (USA) Howard University (Short Term)
Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored
Karin Schlapbach (Switzerland) University of Ottawa (Academic Year)
Conceptualizing dance and theater in the Roman imperial period
Claire Taylor (UK) Trinity College Dublin (Academic Year)
Wealth, poverty & social change in fourth-century Attica
Mark Usher (USA) University of Vermont (Short Term)
An African Oresteia/The Octavia and the East
Bryan Burns (USA) Wellesley College (Two Weeks)
Myth, Gender, and the Arts of the Bronze Age Aegean
Andrea Capra (Italy) Università degli Studi di Milano (Academic Year)
‘Harvesting Homer’: The Voice of Epic in Plato’s Dialogues
Cristina Carusi (Italy) Scuola Normale Superiore (Academic Year)
Public Building in Law and Economy of Classical Athens
Andrea Debiasi (Italy) University of Padua (Spring Semester)
Eumelus of Corinth: Toward a Commented Edition
Synnøve des Bouvrie (Norway) University of Tromsø (Two Weeks)
The Institution of the Warrior in Greek Tragedies
Sylvian Fachard (Switzerland) Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Academic Year)
The Borders of Attica
Jennifer Gates-Foster (USA) University of Texas at Austin (Academic Year)
Power Across Frontiers: Networks of Influence in Hellenistic Egypt
Reginald Gibbons (USA) Northwestern University (Two Weeks)
Translating the Poetics of Pindar
Edith Hall (UK) Royal Holloway, University of London (Two Weeks)
Classics and Industry in Britain and North America
Leopoldo Iribarren (Venezuela) Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Academic Year)
La Métaphore Technique dans les Cosmologies Grecques Archaïques
Diego Machuca (Argentina) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Two Weeks)
Can the Skeptic Search for Truth?
Sara Monoson (USA) Northwestern University (Two Weeks)
Classics and Industry in Britain and North America
Barbara Olsen (USA) Vassar College (Fall Semester)
Women in the Linear B Tablets from Knossos and Pylos
Alexandra Pappas (USA) University of Arkansas (Academic Year)
Graphic Art: Alphabetic Images in Ancient Greece
Ryan Platte (USA) Washington University in St. Louis (Spring Semester)
Equine Poetics
Andrea Rotstein (Israel) Tel Aviv University (Two Weeks)
The Making of Literary History in Ancient Greece
Tyler Jo Smith (USA) University of Virginia (Two Weeks)
The Art of Greek Religion: Object, Performance, Image
Kathryn Topper (USA) University of Washington (Fall Semester)
The Representation of the Exotic in Athenian Ritual Imagery
Matthew Waters (USA) University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Two Weeks)
The Persica of Ctesias in its Near Eastern Context
Elizabeth Baughan (USA) University of Richmond (Short Term)
Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond
Jose Gonzalez (Spain) Duke University (Academic Year)
The Homeric Hymns and the Development of Greek Lyric Traditions
Johannes Haubold (Germany) Durham University (Spring Semester)
Greece and Mesopotamia: dialogues in literature
Todd Hickey (USA) University of California-Berkeley (Fall Semester)
Reading the papyri of a priestly family: Social relations and cultural negotiation under Roman rule
Phillip Horky (USA) Durham University (Academic Year)
The City-State Commensurate: Plato and Pythagorean Political Philosophy
Regina Höschele (Germany) University of Toronto (Fall Semester)
Greek imperial epigram
Rachel Kousser (USA) Brooklyn College (Short Term)
Ancient iconoclasm: Destroying the power of images in Greece, 480-31 B.C.
Donald Lavigne (USA) Texas Tech University (Spring Semester)
Impossible Voices: Archaic Poetics and Archaic Epigram
Mariska Leunissen (Netherlands) Washington University in St. Louis (Academic Year)
The Physiology of Character in Aristotle
Nikolaos Papazarkadas (Greece) University of California-Berkeley (Spring Semester)
Law courts and judicial administration in Hellenistic Athens
Alexis Pinchard (France) Lycée Militaire d’Aix en Provence (Short Term)
Indo-iranian Myths and Phraseology in the Orphic Cosmogonic Poetry
Allen Romano (USA) Florida State University (Spring Semester)
Tragic ‘Homericity’ and Vocal Virtuosity: Text Mining Heroic Speech in Epic & Tragedy
Norman Sandridge (USA) Howard University (Short Term)
Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored
Karin Schlapbach (Switzerland) University of Ottawa (Academic Year)
Conceptualizing dance and theater in the Roman imperial period
Claire Taylor (UK) Trinity College Dublin (Academic Year)
Wealth, poverty & social change in fourth-century Attica
Mark Usher (USA) University of Vermont (Short Term)
An African Oresteia/The Octavia and the East
Bryan Burns (USA) Wellesley College (Two Weeks)
Myth, Gender, and the Arts of the Bronze Age Aegean
Andrea Capra (Italy) Università degli Studi di Milano (Academic Year)
‘Harvesting Homer’: The Voice of Epic in Plato’s Dialogues
Cristina Carusi (Italy) Scuola Normale Superiore (Academic Year)
Public Building in Law and Economy of Classical Athens
Andrea Debiasi (Italy) University of Padua (Spring Semester)
Eumelus of Corinth: Toward a Commented Edition
Synnøve des Bouvrie (Norway) University of Tromsø (Two Weeks)
The Institution of the Warrior in Greek Tragedies
Sylvian Fachard (Switzerland) Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Academic Year)
The Borders of Attica
Jennifer Gates-Foster (USA) University of Texas at Austin (Academic Year)
Power Across Frontiers: Networks of Influence in Hellenistic Egypt
Reginald Gibbons (USA) Northwestern University (Two Weeks)
Translating the Poetics of Pindar
Edith Hall (UK) Royal Holloway, University of London (Two Weeks)
Classics and Industry in Britain and North America
Leopoldo Iribarren (Venezuela) Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Academic Year)
La Métaphore Technique dans les Cosmologies Grecques Archaïques
Diego Machuca (Argentina) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Two Weeks)
Can the Skeptic Search for Truth?
Sara Monoson (USA) Northwestern University (Two Weeks)
Classics and Industry in Britain and North America
Barbara Olsen (USA) Vassar College (Fall Semester)
Women in the Linear B Tablets from Knossos and Pylos
Alexandra Pappas (USA) University of Arkansas (Academic Year)
Graphic Art: Alphabetic Images in Ancient Greece
Ryan Platte (USA) Washington University in St. Louis (Spring Semester)
Equine Poetics
Andrea Rotstein (Israel) Tel Aviv University (Two Weeks)
The Making of Literary History in Ancient Greece
Tyler Jo Smith (USA) University of Virginia (Two Weeks)
The Art of Greek Religion: Object, Performance, Image
Kathryn Topper (USA) University of Washington (Fall Semester)
The Representation of the Exotic in Athenian Ritual Imagery
Matthew Waters (USA) University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Two Weeks)
The Persica of Ctesias in its Near Eastern Context
K. Paul Bednarowski (USA) George Washington University (Two Weeks)
Marshaling Sympathies: Characterizing Indications in Greek Tragedy
Emiliano Buis (Argentina) Scientific and Technological Research National Council (Two Weeks)
Broken Justice: Politics and Poetics of Athenian Law in the Comic Fragments of Eupolis
Ilaria Bultrighini (Italy) “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Coastalness and Inlandness in a Maritime Location of Ancient Greece: the Case of Attica
Stefano Caciagli (Italy/Switzerland) Università di Bologna (Fall Semester)
Greek Melic Poetry and Social Groups
David Carlisle (USA) Washington and Lee University (Two Weeks)
A Comprehensive Collaborative Online Commentary on the Cyropaedia and A Narratological Study of Authority in Early Prose Fiction
Anca Dan (France/Romania) Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut (Two Weeks)
Strabo?s Troad. Ancient Matters, Modern Issues
Ioannis Galanakis (Greece) University of Oxford (Fall Semester)
Tomb-Robbers, Art-Dealers and the Trafficking of Antiquities: Greek Archaeology under the First Archaeological Law, 1834-1899
Paulin Ismard (France) ANHIMA (Spring Semester)
Public Slavery in Classical and Hellenistic Cities
Sara Kaczko (Italy) University of Rome (Fall Semester)
Archaic and Classical Dedicatory Epigrams on Stone: Commentary with a Literary and Linguistic Study
Francesco Mambrini (Italy) Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
A Treebank of Thucydides, 1.89-118. Syntactic and Semantic Annotation for the Study of Event Structure
Consuelo Manetta (Italy) University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Spring Semester)
Aspects of Social, Material and Votive Thracian Culture During the Late Classical and the Hellenistic Periods
Jim Marks (USA) University of Florida (Fall Semester)
Rethinking the Homeric Polis
Anna Marmodoro (Italy) University of Oxford (Two Weeks)
Worlds of Powers: the Bedrock of Reality in Ancient Thought
Peter Meineck (USA) New York University (Two Weeks)
A New Translation of Menander?s The Woman from Samos
Mariamaddalena Melfi (Italy) University of Oxford (Spring Semester)
Sanctuaries and Cult-places of Greece (146 BC- AD 14)
Francoise Mirguet (Belgium) Arizona State University (Spring Semester)
Emotions in Judeo-Hellenistic Narratives: Embodiment, Social Functions, and Identities
Arum Park (USA) Washington and Lee University (Two Weeks)
Truth, Genre, and Gender in Pindar and Aeschylus
Ioanna Patera (Greece) Max Weber Kolleg (Fall Semester)
Objects within Ritual. Interpretations of Ritual Practices in Ancient Greece
Henrique Modanez de Sant Anna (Brazil) University of Brasilia (Two Weeks)
Ideal Types of Hellenistic Kingship: the Application of a Model to an Ancient Reality
Charles Stocking (USA) University of Western Ontario (Spring Semester)
The Wisdom of Sport: A Critical Edition, Translation, and Commentary of Philostratus’Peri Gymnastikas
Philip Venticinque (USA) Cornell College (Two Weeks)
Common Causes: Craftsmen, Merchants, and Communities in Roman and Late Roman Egypt
Eirene Visvardi (Greece) Wesleyan University (Fall Semester)
Dancing the Emotions: Pity and Fear in the Tragic Chorus
Barbara Witucki (USA) Utica College (Two Weeks)
Greek Tragedy and Vanity Fair
Mantha Zarmakoupi (Greece) University of Cologne (Spring Semester)
Urban growth on late Hellenistic Delos: the “Quartier du Stade”
Wei Zhang (China) Fudan University (Spring Semester)
The Poet as Educator: the Beginnings of Poetics in Ancient Greece and Ancient China
Emily Allen-Hornblower (France/USA) Rutgers University (Fall Semester)
Witnessing the Emotions: Emotional Response and Poetic Stance in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Society
Aurélie Carrara (France) Université de Rouen and UMR 5607 Ausonius, CNRS-Bordeaux (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
State, City-State and Tax System in the Ancient Greek World
Vanessa Cazzato (Italy/UK) Radboud University (Two Weeks)
Accounting for Variations in the Transmission of Greek Lyric Poetry
Joel Christensen (USA) The University of Texas at San Antonio (Two Weeks)
Homer’s Thebes: Epic Rivalries and the Appropriation of Mythical Pasts
Angela Cinalli (Italy) Sapienza, University of Rome (Spring Semester)
Ptanois Posin. Itinerant Men of Literacy and Music in the Epigraphic Sources of the Hellenistic Period
James Collins (USA) University of Southern California (Fall Semester)
Philosophy in the Marketplace: Commerce and Intellectual Exchange in Fourth-Century Athens
Nadia Coutsinas (France) UMR 7041, CNRS-Paris and CReA-Patrimoine, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Fall Semester)
Study of the Establishment of the City-States of Crete
Yurie Hong (USA) Gustavus Adolphus College (Two Weeks)
Birthing Bodies, Birthing Culture: Metaphor and Experience in Ancient Greek Culture
Yang Huang (China) Fudan University (Fall Semester)
Inventing the Barbarian in Ancient Greece and China
Mark Janse (Netherlands) Ghent University (Two Weeks)
A Historical and Dialectological Grammar of Modern Greek
Brian Joseph (USA) The Ohio State University (Two Weeks)
A Historical and Dialectological Grammar of Modern Greek
Anna Lamari (Greece) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Spring Semester)
Tragedy Reperformed: Evidence, Politics, Contexts in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC
Béatrice Lienemann (Germany/Switzerland) Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am Main (Fall Semester)
Aristotle’s Theory of Responsibility
Emeline Marquis (France) Fondation Thiers (Spring Semester)
The Tyrant’s Point of View: Study of the Letters of Phalaris
Elena Martín González (Spain) Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation (Spring Semester)
The Beginnings of Greek Prose. A Comparative Study of the First Epigraphic and Literary Prose Testimonies in the Greek World
Raquel Martin-Hernández (Spain) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Fall Semester)
The Transmission of Magical Knowledge in a Multicultural Society. A Complete Study of PGM VII (P.Lond. 121).
Maria Pavlou (Cyprus) Open University of Cyprus (Spring Semester)
Pindaric Chronotopicity
Anne-Valérie Pont (France) Université Paris-Sorbonne/IUF (Two Weeks)
Public Speeches and Community Perspectives in the Cities of Asia Minor (235-337 A.D.)
Melina Tamiolaki (Greece) University of Crete (Spring Semester)
Leaders Don’t Cry? The Politics of Emotions in Xenophon
Christos Tsagalis (Greece) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Spring Semester)
Minor Greek Epic Poets: A Commentary
Maria G. Xanthou (Greece) Open University of Cyprus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Two Weeks)
Stesichorus’ Women: Genealogy, Beauty and Heroic Motherhood
Juping Yang (China) Nankai University (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Hellenistic Civilization and the Silk Road
Graciela Zecchin de Fasano (Argentina) Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Two Weeks)
How Have the Ancient Greeks Told Their Own History? Trojan War Between Myth and History from Homer to Tragedy
Seemee Ali (USA) Carthage College (Spring Semester)
The Reconciliation of Hera and Thetis in the Iliad
Kate Birney (USA) Wesleyan University (Spring Semester)
Alexander’s Ashkelon? Ashkelon/Ascalon During the Hellenistic Period
Christy Constantakopoulou (Greece) Birkbeck College (Spring Semester)
The Social Dynamics of Dedication: The Delian Inventories of the Third and Second Centuries
Madalina Dana (Romania) University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (Spring Semester)
Greek Letters on Lead and Ostraka: Edition and Commentary
Stefan Feuser (Germany) University of Rostock (Fall Semester)
The Urbanism of Port Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Hellenistic to Roman Imperial Times
Georgia Flouda (Greece) Heraklion Archaeological Museum (Fall Semester)
The Materialization of Burial Ideology in the Minoan Communities of Apesokari and Porti in the Mesara/Crete
Ryan C. Fowler (USA) Franklin and Marshall College (Fall Semester)
Atechnoi: Rumor and Silence in the Cappadocian Fathers (in collaboration with Alberto Quiroga Puertas)
Eric Kansa (USA) University of California, Berkeley (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Data Sharing as Publication in Classical Archaeology
Sebastiana Nervegna (Italy/Canada) University of Sydney (Spring Semester)
Re-performing Classics: The Tragic Repertoire of Ancient Actors
Stephanie Paul (Belgium) University of Liege (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Greek Pantheons in Motion: Re-evaluating the Concept of the ‘Patron Deity’
Zacharoula Petraki (Greece) Open University of Cyprus, University of Crete (Spring Semester)
The Representational Arts as Metaphors for Philosophical Speech in Plato’s Middle and Late Dialogues
Elizabeth Potter (UK) Oxford University (Fall Semester)
Rhetoric, Performance and Emotion in the Greco-Roman World
Alberto Quiroga-Puertas (Spain) University of Granada (Fall Semester)
Atechnoi: Rumor and Silence in the Cappadocian Fathers (in collaboration with Ryan C. Fowler)
Carlo Vessella (Italy) University of Glasgow (Fall Semester)
Sophisticated Speakers
Maria G. Xanthou (Greece) Open University of Cyprus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Spring Semester)
Fear, Awe, Anger and Good Will: the Social and Cultural Construction of Fear (φόβος), Awe (δέος) and Anger (ὀργή) as Emotions in the Fifth and Fourth Century B.C.E. Political Scene
Peter Agócs (USA) University College London (Fall Semester)
Talking Song in Early Greek Poetry
Rodney Ast (USA) University of Heidelberg (Fall Semester)
Notaries, Clerks, and Hacks: The Many Writers of Greco-Roman Egypt
Francisco Barrenechea (Mexico) University of Maryland, College Park (Fall Semester)
New Gods, New Devotions: Religious Experience in Aristophanes’ Wealth
Joshua Billings (USA) Yale University (Fall Semester)
Enlightenment on Stage
Cédric Brélaz (Switzerland) University of Strasbourg (Spring Semester)
Greek Political Mentalities under Roman Imperial Rule
Naomi Carless Unwin (UK) Koç University (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Practising Religion on the Interface: Religion and Society in Karia
Charles Doyen (Belgium) University of Louvain (Fall Semester)
Measuring, Counting, Paying: Metrological Systems, Monetary Standards, and Economic Structures in Hellenistic Greece
Paul Kosmin (UK) Harvard University (Spring Semester)
Seleucid Time: Imperial and Indigenous Temporalities in the Hellenistic East
Stavros Kouloumentas (Greece) Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (Spring Semester)
The Sophistic Movement and the Criticism of Traditional Religion: Two Studies on Prodicus and the Sisyphus Fragment
Christopher Moore (USA) Pennsylvania State University (Spring Semester)
Calling Philosophers Names: The Origins of the Term ‘Philosophos’
Anne-Sophie Noel (France) Hisoma, Lyon (Spring Semester)
Feelings for Objects in Ancient Greece
Sven Schipporeit (Germany) University of Vienna (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
New Cities, New Gods? The Urban and Cultic Constitution of Synoicized Poleis in Late Classical and Early Hellenistic Times
Ioanna Sitaridou (Greece) University of Cambridge (Fall Semester)
The Evolution of Pontic Greek
Neel Smith (USA) College of the Holy Cross (Spring Semester)
A Computational System for the Study of Formulaic Language
Caroline Stark (USA) Howard University (Spring Semester)
Receptions in Black: An Online Open Resource for Black Classicism and Receptions of the Ancient Mediterranean in Black World Studies
Saro Wallace (UK) Independent Scholar (Non-residential)
Post-collapse Social Restructuring: The Radical Origins of the Polis in Crete
Joachim Aufderheide (Germany) King’s College London (Fall Semester)
Nicomachean Ethics X: Translation and Commentary
Nathan Badoud (Switzerland) Université de Fribourg (Spring Semester)
Rhodian amphora stamps. Historiography – Chronology – Function – Circulation
Chun Bai (China) Zhejiang University (Fall Semester)
A Comparative Study: The Cyclic View of Human Condition in Thucydides’ Archaeology (1.2-19) and Si Ma Qian’s Preface to Historical Records
Jan-Mathieu Carbon (Canada) University of Copenhagen (Spring Semester)
How Did the Greeks Butcher and Distribute Sacrificial Meat?
Stylianos Chronopoulos (Greece) University of Freiburg (Fall Semester)
Towards a Digital Edition of Pollux’ Onomasticon
Yannis Fappas (Greece) Archaeological Museum of Thebes, Greece (CHS Fellow in Greece)
Archaeology through Archives: The Archaeological Research in Boeotia through Original Historical Archives
Jason Harris (USA) Tulane University (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
Counselors, Confidants, and Courts: Relations Between Scholarly Mobility and Greek Politics in the 4th Century BC
Greta Hawes (New Zealand) Australian National University (Spring Semester)
Myth and Landscape in Pausanias’ Periegesis
Athena Kirk (USA) Cornell University (Fall Semester)
The Tally of Text: Catalogues and Inventories across Greek Literature and Epigraphy
Virginia Lewis (USA) Florida State University (Spring Semester)
Myth, Locality, and Identity in Pindar’s Sicilian Odes
Naoise Mac Sweeney (UK/Ireland) University of Leicester (Spring Semester)
When the Going Gets Rough: Cilicia Tracheia in the Archaic and Classical Periods
Michiel Meeusen (Belgium) British Academy (Spring Semester)
Between Seriousness & Play: Aristotelian Natural Problems & Imperial Culture
Maria Nasioula (Greece) Hellenic Ministry of Culture (CHS/DAI Joint Fellow)
A Dash of Literature into a Cup of Wine. The Inscriptions on Grammatika Vases
Nikolas Papadimitriou (Greece) Museum of Cycladic Art, Greece (Spring Semester)
The Cultural and Political Geography of Attica in the 2nd Millennium BC
Sebastian Scharff (Germany) Universität Mannheim (Fall Semester)
The Self-Representation of Hellenistic Athletes: Political, Social and Ethnic Identities
Joel Schlosser (USA) Bryn Mawr College (Fall Semester)
Why Social Scientists Should Read Herodotus
Zoe Stamatopoulou (Greece) Washington University in St. Louis (Fall Semester)
A Commentary on Plutarch’s “Symposium of the Seven Sages”
Richard Armstrong (USA) University of Houston (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)Companion to the Translation of Greek and Latin Epic in collaboration with Alexandra Lianeri
Mary Bachvarova (USA) Willamette University (Fall Semester – 4 weeks)
Calling the Gods: How Cult Practices Moved Across Space and Time in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean
Klaas Bentein (Belgium) Ghent University (Fall Semester)
Language in Society: A Historical-Sociolinguistic Study of Everyday Writing in Roman and Byzantine Egypt (I – VIII AD)
Cecilie Brøns (Denmark) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Fall Semester)
Sensing the Ancient World: The Multiple Dimensions of Ancient Graeco-Roman Art
Miriam Clinton (USA) Rhodes College (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)The Minoan Modeling Project: 3D Modeling for a New Generation of Archaeological Publication
Francesca Dell’Oro (Switzerland/Italy) University of Lausanne (Spring Semester)The Others: Looking for Diversity in Euboean Linguistic Ecosystems
Chiara Ferella (Italy) Excellence Cluster Topoi (Fall Semester)
Dogmata, Rules, Prohibitions: A New Critical Edition and an Overall Investigation of the Pythagorean Symbola
Thomas Koentges (Germany) University of Leipzig (Fall Semester – 12 weeks)
A Computational Exploration of the Corpus Platonicum and Its Influence on the Corpus of Ancient Greek Literature
Lena Lambrinou (Greece) Greek Ministry of Culture (CHS-DAI Joint Fellow)
Transformation of the Doric Architectural Style From the Classical Through Hellenistic and Roman Periods in Greece and Asia Minor
Jean Lempire (Belgium) University of Louvain (Spring Semester – 12 weeks)
“Ptolemaeus Byzantinus”: The Reception of Ptolemy’s Astronomy in the Byzantine World
Alexandra Lianeri (Greece) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)
Companion to the Translation of Greek and Latin Epic in collaboration with Richard Armstrong
Laura Massetti (Italy) University of Cologne (Fall Semester)
Kestos Himas. Phraseology and Thematic Indo-European Inherited Structures in Greek Myth
Adrià Piñol-Villanueva (Spain) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spring Semester)
Citizen and Foreigner in Archaic Greece: Access to Land, Justice and Cults
Catherine Pratt (USA) University of Western Ontario (Fall Semester)
Gift of Athena: Olive Oil and the Making of Athens
Kim Shelton (USA) University of California-Berkeley (Spring Semester)
Petsas House, Mycenae. The Excavation of a 14th Century BCE Residential and Industrial Complex: Pottery, Painting, and Pinakides
Anna Sitz (USA) University of Pennsylvania (CHS-DAI Joint Fellow)
Inscribing Temples in Greece and Asia Minor: A Diachronic View
Mark Usher (USA) University of Vermont (Spring Semester – 4 weeks)
Cosmos to Commons: Systems and Sustainability in Classical Life and Thought
Irini Viltanioti (Greece) University of Leuven (Fall Semester)
Myth and Philosophy in Late Antique Neoplatonism: Porphyry of Tyre (c. 234-305)
Alex Walthall (USA) University of Texas at Austin (Fall Semester)
A Measured Harvest: Grain, Tithes, and Territories in Hellenistic and Roman Sicily (276-31 BCE)
Davide Amendola (Italy) Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Fall Semester)
The Eagle and the Owl: Athenian Legacies in Early Ptolemaic Alexandria
Lucia Athanassaki (Greece) University of Crete (Spring Semester)
Art and Politics in Euripides’ Plays
Nicolas Bertrand (France) University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (Spring Semester)
A Manual of Ancient Greek Word Order
Manon Brouillet (France) Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Spring Semester)
Epics and Ritual: Reconsidering Homeric Performance in Ancient Greece
Diane Cline (USA) George Washington University (Fall Semester)
The Connected World of Potters in Ancient Athens: Collaborations, Connoisseurship and Social Network Analysis with Eleni Hasaki
Alain Duplouy (Belgium) Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Fall Semester – 6 weeks)
Epimenides the Cretan: A History of Athens (6th-5th c. BC)
Benjamin Earley (UK) Freie Universität Berlin (Fall Semester)
The Thucydidean Turn: (Re)interpreting Thucydides’ Political Thought Before, During, and After the Great War
Eleni Hasaki (USA/Greece) University of Arizona (Fall Semester)
The Connected World of Potters in Ancient Athens: Collaborations, Connoisseurship and Social Network Analysis with Diane Cline
Marina Kotzamani (Greece) University of the Peloponnese (Non-residential)
Lysistrata on Stage and on the Street. Aristophanes, Popular Theater and Politics from the French Revolution to the Age of the Web
Katerina Ladianou (Greece) University of Athens (Spring Semester)
Representations of Cult in Euripides
Christoph Lundgreen (Germany) Technische Universität Dresden (Fall Semester – 6 weeks)
Dimensions of Staatlichkeit in the Early Greek World
Timothy Moore (USA) Washington University in St. Louis (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)
Unheard Melodies: Music and Meaning in Ancient Greek and Roman Theater
Attila Németh (Hungary) Eötvös Loránd University (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)
The Literary Self in Roman Philosophy
Jessica Paga (USA) The College of William & Mary (Fall Semester)
The Construction of Athenian Democracy and The Causal Efficacy of Political Architecture
Kostas Paschalidis (Greece) National Archaeological Museum, Athens (Spring Semester – 4 weeks)
From Grave Circle A to the Hellenistic Theater: The Birth of Agamemnon’s Legend on the West Slope of Mycenae
Bryan Reece (USA) University of Toronto (Fall Semester)
Aristotle on Happiness, Virtue, and Wisdom
Heather Reid (USA) Morningside College (Fall Semester – 4 weeks)
The Ethics of Epinician: Athletic Celebration as Moral Education in Pre-Classical Greece
Marijana Ricl (Serbia) University of Belgrade (Fall Semester – 8 weeks)
A New Corpus of Greek and Latin Inscriptions from the Kaystros River Valley in Southern Lydia
Joshua Smith (USA) Johns Hopkins University (Non-residential)
Homer in the Margins: Literary Citation and the Ancient Commentary
Georgia Tsouni (Greece) Universität Bern (Spring Semester – 4 weeks)
Reasonable Citizens and the Defense of Moderate Democracy in Aristotle’s Politics
Roger Woodard (USA) University of Buffalo (Fall Semester – 4 weeks)
Aeolian Origins
Jed Wyrick (USA) California State University, Chico (4 weeks)
Artapanus and the Early Ptolemaic Court
Simona Aimar (Italy) University College London (Fall Semester)
Aristotle on Modality
Carol Atack (UK) University of Oxford (Spring Semester – 4 weeks)
Xenophon on Liberality and Freedom: Ancient Aristocratic Values and Contemporary Inequalities
Robert Cioffi (USA) Bard College (Spring Semester)
Narrating the Marvelous: The Greek Novel and the Ancient Ethnographic Imagination
Aileen Das (USA, UK) University of Michigan (Fall Semester)
The Art in Brief: Time and Exegesis in Greco-Roman and Islamicate Medicine
Riccardo Ginevra (Italy) University of Cologne (Spring Semester)
The Poetics of Distress: Indo-European Phraseology and Themes in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
Theodora Jim (UK) University of Nottingham (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)
This-World Salvation: Soteria and Savior Gods in Ancient Greece
Yannis Kalliontzis (Greece) Ecole Française d’Athènes (Fall Semester)
The Shrine of the Valley of the Muses: An Archaeological, Historical and Literary Topos Revisited
K. Scarlett Kingsley (USA) Agnes Scott College (Spring Semester – 12 weeks)
The End of the Histories: Land, Wealth, and Empire in Herodotus in collaboration with Timothy Rood
Amy Lather (USA) Wake Forest University (Fall Semester – 4 weeks)
Matters of the Mind: Materiality and Aesthetics in Ancient Greek Thought
Evi Margaritis (Cyprus) The Cyprus Institute (Fall Semester – 12 weeks)
Agriculture and Subsistence Practices in the Dawn of Urbanisation of Europe: The Cyclades in the Early Bronze Age
Domenico Giuseppe Muscianisi (Italy) IULM University – Milan (Spring Semester)
The Rhythm of Greek Oral Poetry: Prosody, Accentual Groups and Metrical Anomalies
Peter O’Connell (USA) The University of Georgia (Spring Semester)
The Rhetoric of Finance in Classical Athens
Manuela Pellegrino (Italy) Smithsonian Institution (Fall Semester – 8 weeks)
The Legacy of Ancient Greek Ideals at Times of Environmental Crisis: Heritage, Democracy and Art in Southern Italy and Greece
Rachele Pierini (Italy) University of Bologna (Fall Semester)
New Features in Old Texts. A Diachronic Study of Linear B Tablets from the Room of the Chariot Tablets at Knossos to the Odos Pelopidou at Thebes
Timothy Rood (UK) University of Oxford (Spring Semester – 4 weeks)
The End of the Histories: Land, Wealth, and Empire in Herodotus in collaboration with K. Scarlett Kingsley
Emilio Rosamilia (Italy) Independent Researcher (Fall Semester)
Silver Cups from Cyrene: between Royal Gifts and Numismatic Implications
Matthew Simonton (USA) Arizona State University (Spring Semester)
Watchdogs of the People: Demagogues and Popular Culture in Ancient Greece
Yvona Trnka-Amrhein (USA) University of Colorado, Boulder (Spring Semester – 12 weeks)
Portraits of a Pharaoh: The Sesostris Tradition in Ancient Literature and Culture
Konstantinos Vlassopoulos (Greece) University of Crete (Spring Semester – 8 weeks)
Ancient Slavery: A Sourcebook
Erika Weiberg (USA) Florida State University (Spring Semester)
Married to War: Wives of Returning Veterans in Classical Athenian Drama
Milena Anfosso (Italy) Independent Researcher — Fall 2020
Entwining Greek with Asian Speech: Timotheus of Miletus’ The Persians 140-161
Alessandro Buccheri (Italy) Centre Anhima and excellence cluster Hastec (Paris) — Spring 2021
A Poetic Botany? Archaic and Classical Poetical Traditions in Theophrastus’ Historia Plantarum
Gregory Crane (USA) Tufts University — Fall 2020
Ancient Greek and Digital Philology
Denise Demetriou (USA and Cyprus) University of California, San Diego — Fall 2020
Phoenicians Among Others: How Migration and Mobility Transformed the Ancient Mediterranean
Marieke Dhont (Belgium) University of Cambridge — Spring 2021
Greek Poetry, Jewish Poets: Contextualizing Jewish Writings as Post-Classical Literature
Aimee Genova (USA and Italy) University of Chicago — Fall 2020
In Times of War and Crisis: Regional Identities and Greek Archaeology
Dieter Gunkel (USA) University of Richmond — Fall 2020
Tonal Ochlophobia in Greek: The Sotēra Rule and the Grave Accent
Ian Hensley (USA) East Tennessee State University — Spring 2021
The Foundations and Structure of Ancient Stoic Physics
Jennifer Stager (USA) Johns Hopkins University — Spring 2021
Deliverance from Pain: The Visual Arts of Early Medicine
Afroditi Angelopoulou (Greece) University of Southern California — Fall 2021
The Body and the Senses in Greek Tragedy
Michele Bianconi (Italy) University of Oxford — Spring 2022
“Ex Oriente Lux?” Of Gods, Men, and Stories Between Greece and Anatolia
Patrick Burns (USA) University of Texas at Austin — Spring 2022
Extending Classical Language Toolkit’s Ancient Greek Tools and Resources
Eirini Dimitriadou (Greece) Independent Researcher — Spring 2022
Classical Athens: The Topographical Development of the City from the Late Archaic to the Late Classical Period (480-330 B.C.)
Eva Falaschi (Italy) Independent Researcher — Spring 2022
Fragmented (Art)words. The Fragments of Greek Art History: Reconstruction and Roman Reception
Evan Keeling (USA) University of São Paulo — Spring 2022
Color in Greek Philosophy
Mait Kõiv (Estonia) University of Tartu — Fall 2021
People and Their Leaders: The Transformation of Aegean Society and Political Structures During the Early Iron Age and Archaic Era (12th-6th Centuries BCE)
Georgios Kostopoulos (Greece) Independent Researcher — Fall 2021
The History of *ty and *ky in Greek
Suzanne Lye (USA) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — Fall 2021
To Starve and To Curse: Women’s Anger in Ancient Greek Literature and Magic
Caterina Pello (Italy) University of St Andrews — Spring 2022
Presocratic Philosophers on Life and Death: Ancient Origins of a Modern Debate
Lisa Raphals (USA) University of California, Riverside — Fall 2021
Body, Mind and Spirit in Early China and Greece
Florian Réveilhac (France) French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)— Spring 2022
Lycian Names in Greek Sources: A Morphological Study
Evan Rodriguez (USA) Idaho State University — Fall 2021
Rivals or Relatives? Tracking Truth and Ways of Knowing among Plato and the Sophists
Timothy Rood (UK) University of Oxford — Spring 2022
The End of the Histories: Land, Wealth, and Empire in Herodotus in collaboration with K. Scarlett Kingsley
Karolina Sekita (Poland) University of Oxford — Fall 2021
Conceptualisations of the Dead and After-Death in Greek Thought of the Archaic and Classical Periods
Julia Shear (USA and Greece) American School of Classical Studies at Athens — Fall 2021
Creating Collective Memories in Ancient Athens
Thea Sommerschield (Italy and UK) University of Oxford — Fall 2021
Machine Learning for the Study of Ancient Epigraphic Cultures
Gertjan Verhasselt (Belgium) LMU Munich — Fall 2021
The Fragments of Aristotle’s Constitutions
Sofia Voutsaki (Greece) University of Groningen — Spring 2022
The North Cemetery at Ayios Vasileios, Laconia: Integration and Interpretation