Introduction to Online Publications

As part of its mission of bringing together a variety of research interests centered on Hellenic civilization and sharing them with a wider audience, the Center for Hellenic Studies publishes books, journals, proceedings of colloquia, discussions, databases, lectures, and other materials, both online and in print.

Unless otherwise stated, the works presented online are made available via Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license.

The selections of books and essays presented here are in the Unicode font standard. In order to read the Greek letters and special characters that they contain, you need a web browser that interprets Unicode fonts, your system software needs to be capable of supporting them, and you need to have Unicode fonts on your system (the default Unicode font for these publications is Helvetica, but some also use the Gentium font, and one uses Arial). All versions of Windows software since Windows 2000 have that capability, and any version of Firefox, Mozilla, or Internet Explorer since that date will display the text properly. For Mac users, MacOS X  since version 10.2 and any recent version of Safari, Firefox, Camino, or Opera will work. Set your browser to display Unicode and/or UTF-8. On a Windows system, you may have to restart your computer for such a setting change in your browser to take effect. Most of our older texts do not currently use combining diacritics, since the older browsers didn’t display them as well as precombined diacritics, but the newer broswers are doing a better job and we have begun to use them for words in Indo-European and transliterated words in languages like Sanskrit and Avestan.

If some special characters do not appear in the correct font style (they are roman instead of italic, or they appear as boxes), please update your web browser and make sure that you have set it to read Unicode fonts. Some of our older publications still feature subsitution (for instance, we use ii or y for the letter i with a circumflex beneath, or an a with acute plus macron appears as an (otherwise unmotivated) uppercase A with an acute). We apologize for these remaining idiosyncrasies.