CHS Visiting Scholar | Panagiotis Doukellis, Panteion University of Athens

IMG_2699This week, Dr. Panagiotis Doukellis will be staying at the CHS and using the library. Dr. Doukellis is a professor of Ancient Societies at the Panteion University of Athens, where his main research interests include social and political matters of the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods, as well as the historicity of cultural landscapes in both the archaeological and phenomenological dimensions. Currently, he prepares the annual book review of the Hellenic archaeo-history scientific publications, Regards sur les publications Helléniques, edited at the bi-annual review Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne since 1992.

During his stay at the CHS, Dr. Doukellis will focus on local histories of Aegean area cities during the Hellenistic period in order to investigate key aspects of historical research, such as the concepts of time and place, and the effects these concepts had on a city’s social, political, and ideological coherence. In particular, Dr. Doukellis will be looking at epigrahical texts and the way these texts express the city-state’s perception of their own past as well as the geographical circles in which they operated.